
Biden got a raw deal for sure. He inherited the world's worst pandemic response from Trump, as well as the supply chain crisis and skyrocketing inflation. These are all massive systemic problems that take years to emerge and years to address. The single thing I wish he and the Dems in Congress would do is secure our elections from right wing extremists. The Trumpists have given up on the USA and the Constitution and are doing anything to amass power, no matter how undemocratic or outright illegal while the Dems are still playing by the book. I have no doubt we'll see a Republican Congress and President in short order...some of the most extreme GOP gerrymandering is going on at this very moment, not to mention the new state voter suppression laws have disenfranchised millions of registered voters.
Biden got a raw deal for sure. He inherited the world's worst pandemic response from Trump, as well as the supply chain crisis and skyrocketing inflation. These are all massive systemic problems that take years to emerge and years to address. The single thing I wish he and the Dems in Congress would do is secure our elections from right wing extremists. The Trumpists have given up on the USA and the Constitution and are doing anything to amass power, no matter how undemocratic or outright illegal while the Dems are still playing by the book. I have no doubt we'll see a Republican Congress and President in short order...some of the most extreme GOP gerrymandering is going on at this very moment, not to mention the new state voter suppression laws have disenfranchised millions of registered voters.
A year is a long time in politics. I like our chances if Biden manages to get done what Democrats put in motion last year, with infrastructure and other government funded projects. Other programs don't even need extra funding, they just need to be run better than Trump's administration did.

Regarding Gerrymandering, Democrats have been aggressive in neutralizing the advantage Republicans had going into this round of redistricting:

Not saying I disagree with you that Republicans have a strategy that can win, just saying Democrats have one too.
Inflation is a weird topic that depends on perspective. It isnt like the money disappears.

correct again! they are shifting the cost to they did with gas prices..remember tariffs? we paid those too.

Boycotting is the best way out..don't!

The cost of a car is very expensive estimated $6-7/hourly of your pay; if you live in urban area you don't need one.

the good news? places like Dispensary has awesome deals because recreation is the first thing to go.
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I lived through the Carter era. Poor Mr. Carter. He really had very few options. I don't think Biden has many either.

I think inflation will abate when the pandemic recedes. My concern is what McConnell will do to make inflation worse.

i remember that time too and they were vicious to him; making fun of him..Republicans don't seem to change much.
it's no wonder citizens are upset with messaging..i'm surprise they didn't use all capitals.

Screenshot (615).png

under the circumstances of what we have endured just this last year..can't these fucks just give us a break?..THE DOW OH NOES!!!!!
correct again! they are shifting the cost to they did with gas prices..remember tariffs? we paid those too.

Boycotting is the best way out..don't!

The cost of a car is very expensive estimated $6-7/hourly of your pay; if you live in urban area you don't need one.

the good news? places like Dispensary has awesome deals because recreation is the first thing to go.

It really is. Price elasticity and such, drop demand and prices fall.

The one place where I think inflation is kind of an issue is the relationship with exchange rates. Countries are kind of closed economic systems, when they trade is when they get exposed to a actual losses. Other than that, the money is still here, it's a matter of who has it. We pay more for milk, someone along the supply chain is picking up that extra cash, the various components going in have price struggles, labor and wages follow, etc. Or people can't buy it, prices come down to entice people to purchase, and along the supply chain they have to find more efficiencies and the like.

Global trade is "money" leaving/entering the system, different countries with different currencies and laws are each unique economic systems in my view. Would be a heck of ramble to try and explain that in depth, its kinda nonsense reading it back to myself.

*depends how macro you view economic issues
Interesting. How did Biden do that?

Or is this more left-troll bullshit spam from you?

Also that is not reality in Michigan, here gas is $3.09. Also I am not sure why you don't also point to the actual wage increase of an average of 3% if you are actually genuine and not just being a right wing troll cat fishing as 'the left'.

Under 2.80 for quite a while at sams/costco.

California has weird republicans. They should move to...somewhere else I guess. Don't come here. Indiana maybe? Free as fuck to do what you want there, as long as it isn't liberal stuff.
(some) inflation is good, and strived for.
and it is the actions the Federal Reserve that primarily determines how hot the economy gets

Presidents get too much blame or too much credit
a President can do some things... but how this system works is even over his pay grade

The only inflation that's good is when a process improves, like an extra step to remove some cancerous material from a product, and that extra step adds cost. In that case, the price has gone up because something is made better. The majority of inflation is just normalized corporate greed, taking advantage on the gap in time where prices constantly inch up, while wages stay put for a year.
The only inflation that's good is when a process improves, like an extra step to remove some cancerous material from a product, and that extra step adds cost. In that case, the price has gone up because something is made better. The majority of inflation is just normalized corporate greed, taking advantage on the gap in time where prices constantly inch up, while wages stay put for a year.
It's true that it's always a game of catch up for wages when it comes to inflation, but the problem is that cost of living increased and general wage increases following spurts of inflation never quite equalize, which inflation ever rising over time, relative to wages.
Under 2.80 for quite a while at sams/costco.

California has weird republicans. They should move to...somewhere else I guess. Don't come here. Indiana maybe? Free as fuck to do what you want there, as long as it isn't liberal stuff.

Heehee yeah, the republicans in California are especially pissed off because they never get their way here! LOL :lol:

However, their beet-red butt cheeks cause them to whine even louder.

It's true that it's always a game of catch up for wages when it comes to inflation, but the problem is that cost of living increased and general wage increases following spurts of inflation never quite equalize, which inflation ever rising over time, relative to wages.
You have it wrong again PJ.

Real wages went up for lower wage earners last year. These are the essential workers and they deserved to be paid better. Slackers like you who just hung around the coffee urn and whined about vaccines didn't deserve a raise. But that won't stop you from whining.