indor or out


ok my friend's on RUI , u guys grow indors or out and why? , why u like ur type of growing over other one , or maybe u do both ...
Myself all the way indor baby ...
i like my MMJ flow to be perpetual and out can't give that to me , but other major factor is where i live there's no way i can grow outside , one day i my try it heheh;-)
nd what's ur opinion guys on indors is more potent then out???

Ok U Guys INDORS or OUT and why?:)


Well-Known Member
Indoor! I live in a city apartment. Would LOVE to have an outdoor grow at some point in TGA Subcool's Super Soil. Now, some people have suggested I grow in soil indoors, but it's hard for me to conceive of deliberately bringing dirt into my tiny studio apartment. So I'm indoor hydro. But I would like to try outdoors sometime.


Active Member
Best taste hands down outdoor. (unless you plant it by a pine tree :wall: )
Potency has a lot to do with where you are outdoors and can be better indoors if you can make it more favorable.


New Member
ok my friend's on RUI , u guys grow indors or out and why? , why u like ur type of growing over other one , or maybe u do both ...
Myself all the way indor baby ...
i like my MMJ flow to be perpetual and out can't give that to me , but other major factor is where i live there's no way i can grow outside , one day i my try it heheh;-)
nd what's ur opinion guys on indors is more potent then out???

Ok U Guys INDORS or OUT and why?:)
Indoors, because controlling the environment is key, great drainage, overall cleaner, it doesn't get bird shit on it, it won't break down if there's a big gust of wind, you can control nutrients better, the roots are all grown in one spot and maximize their potential of water consumption, so you can keep getting more oxygenated water to them. Indoor grown buds seem to be more potent due to the better control. Probably missed something.

Outdoors, because it's the least maintenance heavy.