Indoor use of Ladybugs?


Well-Known Member
I have a slight mite problem. I have been reading and talking and ladybugs seem like a good idea. I havn't gotten too much information on em but what'll happen if i release them into my indoor closet? Is my entire house going to get run over? Will I have to keep resupplying my closet w/ new LBugs? Do they get stuck in the plant? Do they fly around like crazy? Anyone anywhere thanks. If this is an efficient method of pest control I would love to start partaking.


Active Member
In outdoor gardening, some people will take ladybugs and put them in the freezer for about 15 minutes, then place them around garden. The freezer slows them down and keeps them from flying off, but not sure how long being cold will keep them close by.

Second, if you do try probably don't need thousands!

BTW, ladybugs are harmless and even if your house gets over run.......they will die pretty soon. Days to weeks, then you will have a mess to sweep up. LOL


Well-Known Member
I personally would not try it, but it would be great if you would try it so we can see what happens :mrgreen:.
Have a good one,


Active Member
i used ladybugs many times and they NEVER work.
all they do is fly straight to the light and kill themselves. I release 300 at a time and the next day 90% of them are on the floor dead and the other 10% are on the walls instead of on the plants where their food is. I don't get those fuckers
You are better off getting yourself some neem oil or some
"safer" brand insect spray.
that's my 2 cents

oh really???

Well-Known Member
i just let a hundred or so go in my cab. . . .and yeah they migrated. it took care of my nat problem but the wife was not happy with the lady bug guests.