Indoor Tropical


Active Member
Ive grown mostly outdoors on & off 30+yrs, Just started a new indoor grow booth, 22" X 42" X 48" tall, My adjustable light bar has a 250W CFL in the center with reflector( 6500K Veg bulb/ Changing to a 250W 2700K at flowering time) 1 150W CFL on each of the 4 corners, a 2700k & a 6500K at each side. Large Vent holes on the bottom bringing fresh air in from an open area & large vent holes above into my open crawl space with a ridge vent, also a fan inside the booth for circulation and bringing in fresh air, The inside is Flat White. Now for the Indoor Tropical, I have a 21W Seed Starting heat mat, My idea is to put this under my pot which would keep the Soil warm & create humidity around the plant. I would obviously keep a close eye on keeping the plant properly watered, which is not a problem. Does this sound plausable or will the 5 CFLs keep the area warm enough. Is the heat mat Too Much ?

Thanks for the input !