Indoor to outdoor?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I have a female plant about a foot tall or so been in flower for little over a week. The weather here does suck usually lol.. (lots of rain) but the next 2 weeks its suppose to be crazy hot outside. Im only using cfls atm awaiting on my HPS light to arrive haha. But would this do the plant wonders? or should i just leave it inside? My only real concern is im gonna put it in a field and was worring about something eating it? haha

luvvin growin

Active Member
I've heard of people putting the plants outside to air during the day when its hot out,and never heard of any problems,but you have to take care of the cycle,of course.Heard it does em good.Not sure though,most of my stuff is inside so....


Well-Known Member
Yeah the only this is my cycle is lights off during the day and lights on at night... so if i were to switch it now and put them outside it would prob screw something up?

luvvin growin

Active Member
Yeah,unfortunately it would re veg them yo break it up now.ran an experiment last year with a White Widow that we put out for 5 hours a day during the midday and she reacted really well,but thats the only one I've done,but my friend at Greenhouse Seeds tells me that they do it all the time in summer.


Well-Known Member
right on. Well becuase my light cycle is the way it is ill just have to wait lol.. next year i want to throw a couple seeds 0utside and see if they will grow. Im also gonna keep my indoor setup going tho.


Active Member
In my experience it does the plant great to stick outside in the blazing sun (as long as it's not toooo young and you don't disturb the light cycle)

I have my light period from 16:00 to 10:00 (18 hours) so I can stick her outside at 16:00 until sunset if it's sunny and then put her back inside under the light. I have a balcony so no problems with pests so far (you're at a higher risk if you place in a garden environment where there's more critters)