Indoor to outdoor light time changes


Well-Known Member
I've had my clones a little over a month under LED lights in our dayroom, currently on a 17 hour schedule. They are hardened, I put them in the sun for the bulk of the day, and back under the lights when I go to bed (which is before the sun goes down, damned job!)

I'm in Northern Ca, and the longest day of the year is just over a month away. As of today 5/18 we have about 14 hours 20 minutes of daylight, and on June 21st about 14:51. If I put the plants out permanently in the next week or so, do I need to cut the supplemental lighting down any first so they don't flower, and if so how much at once is safe?

I kinda just want to not deal with bringing them in and back out every day, but I've heard clones are more apt to flower with changes in the light than seedlings
Not likely with the day length. More worrisome is cold temperatures that can stress and cause a flowering response. Im in southern Oregon. Not too many people planted yet. But most fullterm plants are outside waiting for transplant or under plastic with no supplemental lighting. Last week a frost came, my buddy trying to get in as early as possible is now replanting because of that.
I've had my clones a little over a month under LED lights in our dayroom, currently on a 17 hour schedule. They are hardened, I put them in the sun for the bulk of the day, and back under the lights when I go to bed (which is before the sun goes down, damned job!)

I'm in Northern Ca, and the longest day of the year is just over a month away. As of today 5/18 we have about 14 hours 20 minutes of daylight, and on June 21st about 14:51. If I put the plants out permanently in the next week or so, do I need to cut the supplemental lighting down any first so they don't flower, and if so how much at once is safe?

I kinda just want to not deal with bringing them in and back out every day, but I've heard clones are more apt to flower with changes in the light than seedlings
So you put them outdoors for the majority of a day and think they are hardened? Mine went straight from indoors to outdoors.

I’ve had clones outside here in the Northeast for a month and they are fine. They’ve been as cold as 33F overnight and are fine. I’m pretty sure you’re going to be ok.
Plants are effectively outdoors all the time, the dayroom is basically a covered patio, so even when under the lights they are pretty much exposed to the same temps as outside. Doesn't get really cold here, overnight lows now 50's-60's. Light length overall (lights and direct sun) are maybe 16 1/2 hours.