Indoor/ then Outdoor Questio


Active Member
Hi everyone

I have been growing a few ladies under fluorescence (4' 6 lights) 24/7 for a few weeks now. 4 from seed, 2 recent from clone all becoming sturdy. I live in a sunny West Coast environment, not too hot and not too foggy.

It was recommended I grow under flour's 24/7 and then move outside to "shock" them into flowering. While I could do this, it would require additional investment to increase the indoor area and add lights.

I'm fine with this if this the best way to move to flower. If not, I am also curious if it works in general. Otherwise I'd prefer to move outdoors after a short veg.
The current length of day 14h 18m.

BIG question - Should I gradually reduce the light cycle to the current length of day before moving outside?

Appreciate the help - not sure if this is a newbie question or not.