indoor strains that GET YOU HIGH compared to REAL columbian gold

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
i've already posted these comparisons in a couple "seed & strain reviews" threads, but figured it'd be better to devote a thread to them so it's easier for people who didn't read those two threads for whatever reason to find this info which hopefully helps anyone looking to break from their 24/7 couchlock & start getting high again and get the REAL lowdown you can't always trust in advertising hype. other than mexican bagseed & a couple of sessions with unnamed strains, this is the best gear i've smoked since the 80s.

columbian gold it's the very first strain i ever smoked and to this day, still the best! compared to today's hybrids, it's pine cone scented buds look scrawny & fluffy without much resin, but don't let that fool you because the shit is POTENT! 4 one hitters will make the room start spinning and give you serious make it stop!" nausea. when you're in the zone though. it makes EVERYTHING funner with laugh your ass off euphoria. the really fun part though is the total heightening of all of your senses. movies & music look & and sound more real, junk food tastes orgasmic, you get that light giddy feeling in your gut that turns into a light floating feeling like you're always walking downhill. after a month of wake & bake, you need to take a week or 2 vacation to detox & get your tolerance back down and it starts to get stoney when you do it alot and in large doses, but it's definitely more motivational than tiring. it's too bad it's extinct in the market place.

haze skunk (high quality seeds) looks more indica than sativa seed's (nirvana) discontinued H19 x skunk version, but the smoke kicks butt! it has less psychoactivity than gold, but has higher potency and is much stickier. there's not too much expansion. i REALLY want to try their thai skunk & compare it with the haze & their kerala skunk too. i'd hedge a bet that the thai is the trippiest one, but that's it's also the fussiest brat too as pure highland thai is a slow light starved hermie bitch to grow, but it's tutti fruity odor when you pan fry leaf & early bud is extra sexy. i wasn't too keen on it's mild but disgusting cigar under the nose flavor, but the buzz is great and eventually it starts building in your system so you wake up with a mild buzz and eventually get a constant low grade nausea from it that's easy to ignore as it's motivation level keeps you busy. it has just a hint of couchlock, but it never overpowers the motivation level. it takes longer than many strains to grow, but has a really cool "one little bud ever 2-3 inches" stretchy budding pattern that makes harvesting easy and if you SCROG it, you'd get a really nice yield with a lot of buds.

8 miles high (mandala) was the first regular REAL high i had in 25 years when i tried some last year. i love it's refined manners. it does nothing wrong & hits so many euphoric buttons like a lover that knows EXACTLY how to touch you. it's perfectly neutral in the energy... there's no couchlock, but no raciness either and it works for chilling, even sleeping or vigorous activities. (the funner, the better). it has haze level euphoria at least with milder psychoactivity that still isn't shabby. it made me get into tunes & do the robot with a body effect that felt like super precise muscle control. as far as 1st love reunions go, 8 miles is a sweety that sits ABOVE even vintage kali mist (before 12.5% more indica was added) because it hints at trippiness like the light rush you get when columbian gold starts to kick in. definitey requires further testing... for science sake... yeah. out of anything here but C99 maybe, it's also the most indoor friendly for DIY. it's supposed to have strawberry phenos (bred from strawberry cough?) but i don't recall anything notable about the flavor, maybe because i was too busy having fun. i consider it the best 24/7 strain because it doesn't mess with your energy and doesn't beat you down like purer IBLs. sometimes milder is better.

super cali haze i only got a cold stunted but DELICIOUS sweet grape "daisy" to test unlike growers complaining she stretches too much, but the buzz i got was pure haze! i'd need to test them side by side to name any significant differences, but i imagine some potency is lost, but without afghanicrapping on the THC. this is a top contender for breeding for THC & flavor with more compact strains. any date with this gal is gonna be hot! the REAL treat besides the highly euphoric buzz though is how the delicious haze flavor that's way more authentic than the barely detectable artificial blueberry sugar flavor of blueberry (both get their flavor from tutti fruity highland thai) without the annoying couchlock either.

C99 (joey weed... discontinued, but mosca has picked it back up and bred it for the "potent pineapple" pheno) is a very special plant with a very specialized buzz... it's great, as long as you have something to do and don't try to go to sleep on it! the buzz can be very euphoric & racy early on, but later on, probably due to THC degredation, it mellows into an alert & clearheaded high that still wants you to find something to do without nagging. as far as nags go though, joey's cindy's sweet side is a treat... sticky hazey grape low odor buds and she puts out quick. JW's gals clock in at 45 days with mosca's taking 50, but that version is supposed to be much more psychoactive if it's descriptions are accurate. JW's version smokes just like original kali mist, but doesn't have it's delicious burn your lips crushed red pepper flavor, but it's way more indoor and yield friendly. nowadays, kali mist has 12.5% more indica in it, so i can't report on it, but the buzz SHOULD be in the ballpark at least if maybe a little stonier. it's not a good strain for chilling out as it likes to keep you moving, but is perfect for work, running a marathon, or getting a date to fling her panties at the ceiling fan in record time. it's best as an activities only bud, not so much watching movies and listening to tunes like the more balanced to couchlocking strains.

durban poison i was gifted a gram of this by the same person that tosed me a kali mist bud in the late 90s and loved it's buzz. it didn't seem quite as trippy as gold, but i only had a gram and tried to make it last. it has a great euphoria level and no couchlock. the most distinctive thing about it is the flavor. it tastes exactly like you're smoking a stick of black licorice. EXACTLY. it's one of the most disgusting flavors in the world to me though, so i wasn't a fan of that and it's extremely expansive leading to lung busting woofing that is accompanied by dry heaves. that's probably where it gets it's poison nickname. compared to the stoney crap you can't get away from on the east coast though, it's totally worth enduring the flavor some might find delicious and even the dry heaves because when you get that light giddy feeling that tells you you're about to get high & not stoned, all is forgiven. it's a very exotic strain and is one of the most compact sativa IBLs, but it sure looks like it has some indica in it.

LSD (barney's farm) - yet another hazey & grapey strain with a very distinct personality. it is pretty compact and looks gorgeous when it starts flowering. when it does, expect those grapes to smell like they were sprayed by a male cat (not that strong though) with a side order of flowers. it's not an overpowering odor. but when you put your nose right in that beaver, it has a sickengly sweet odor that mellows to softer grapes later. the buzz is the weird thing. if 8 miles high has no idea what messing with your energy level with anything other than enthusiasm with a nice dose of euphoria & psychoactivity, then LSD goes to the other extreme by getting you high & stoned at the same time! it has mild psychoactivity and euphoria with a twist of motivation, but at the same time, it makes your eyelids instantly heavy. you can function a couple hours on it, but eventually it's stone will creep up on you and knock your butt out! i despise couchlock, but this strain doesn't beat you over the head with it right away and takes it's time getting to you (if anything should creep, it's couchlock!) this would be awesome for breeding with energetic C99 so each cancels the others' weaknesses... cindy wakes the acid up while the acid sparks her imagination. the already midrange LSD psychoactivity level would probably drop a notch though. someone's larger strain called mataro blue has a very similar buzz, but is larger and less grapey and not as sexy. LSD is very compact with dark olive green leaves with cool fishbone ribs on the leaves contrasted by thick & sticky snow white resin glands. the buds are very dense & moist too before curing.

onyx is a diesel strain with, to me, a really DISGUSTING, but not as much as cat piss, flavor from it's diesel genetics that so many swear by that i'll never understand. it tastes like licking the thick oil stains on the tarmac at a truck stop! i threw plants i grew near train tracks out for having that same disgusting taste, but much stronger. if i could get past the taste, it has a REALLY special high though. it's thought provoking and euphoric, but seemed extremely touchy feely & sensual. i ended up playing footsie with myself on it. i don't recall that exact effect from anything else i've smoked. if you could get that buzz in a better tasting strain, it would be the best strain for a date i could imagine.

as an old school toker who only likes to get high and knows how hard it can be to get decent smoke reports even when you beg & plead with someone trying to get you to try apollo 11 or super silver haze which you don't want to because they can couchlock, i hope that these reports will give any of you looking to try some high in your garden a good start on a strain that's best for your tastes. my top three favorites for growing are:

haze skunk - for the wicked potency and highest psychoactivity, but it's a bit too much for 24/7 use

super cali haze - not as psychoactive, but way more delicious and refined. i imagine it's the lowest yielder, but i only had a 4 inch plant with about a gram of bud on my freebie

8 miles high - it simply does no wrongs and so many awesomes. it's the least potent of the three but NOT schawg! that gives it better 24/7 & noob friendly ability though and it's the best & fastest yielding by a longshot. it's TOTALLY practical and as close as you're likely to get to a cash cropping haze as MOST other "indoor sativas" like LA confidential, apollo 11. super silver haze, jack herer, red dragon, LSD, blue mataro, romulan, skunk #1 & medicine man (aka white rhino) are all compromised by couchlock which belongs to the indica family and makes one's high "lower". (TGA subcool's jack the ripper might be even better though)

by "indoor sativas" (got ranted at for saying that at another site) i'm referring to ones that have a trippy buzz which NOTHING i've smoked in NY since the 80s and not much here even if there are some popular flavor strains around have. OK, LA confidential is 100% indica, but cannabible anbd some other source both call it trippy. i have little interest in it or any of the other skunky & stony but trippy strains. even 25% afghani skunk #1 pisses me off. if i started out smoking AFTER $40 a quarter columbian vanished and hash plants took over, i never would have smoked a second time.

i plan to test more gear like the autoflowering "cinnamon girl" jack herer pheno i've seen, 75% columbian gold from world of seeds and some more of the best sounding hazes and barney's laughing buddha to see how THEY compare in the future. sadly, i won't be trying the two best smoking sounding strains though because they have names that celebrate violence... killing fields & jack the ripper, but if the names don't bother you, definitely read the reviews for those. there other lemon hazes out there to try in the mean time and i'm hoping WoS's gold is worthy of breeding for as true a buzz as possible in an even faster plant using C99 x A11. i'd be afraid that it would be as disappointing as skunk #1 turned out to be when i was scoring that with "high hopes" only to yet again get couchlocked in the long run.


Well-Known Member
Read Before Posting
Please use the following template for posting a smoke report.

Bag Appeal:
The High:

If you have pictures please post them as well.
(can we get a moderator in here to clean up this mess)

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
that's not how i do smoke report or how i like to read them. that's so mechanical.

i refuse to even bother reading those annoying "checklist" ones in particular. there's absolutely no poetry to them. smoking weed isn't a checklist experience... it's a bunch of SUBTLE differences.

not just that, but traits like "bag appeal' are totally subjective. generally, i like gear that others would consider "low bag appeal" and don't care for any of the indica skunkiness, stickiness or rock hard density that would be considered bag appeal. fluffy and easy to break apart with your fingers columbian gold is MY IDEA of bag appeal and i liked it's pine cone & wheatgrass odor just fine. someone else's "bag appeal" strain is probably something i'd have nothing but contempt for.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
thanks... i like to just sum it up with whatever defines a strain compared to others. it's just how my mind works. i hate abstractions & dry statistics.

you can't define the CLASSY mid qualities of 8 miles high compared to LSD & mataro blue with numbers! 8 miles has a really "weird" but in a good way buzz that has zero energy effects. it's neither racy nor couchlocking like there's a "hole in the buzz" where you'd expect those to be unlike ANYTHING i've ever smoked before, but not too different from haze while LSD & mataro blue go to the other extreme getting you both high & stoned at the same time. you can't compare those very different effects statistically and who'd want to.

i like reading plain english descriptions the best.


Active Member
I picked through it without too much trouble, but college has made me a professional at that. LOL


Active Member
Thanks for the info hazey, i liked your report even if it doesn't follow the "set" smoke report protocol. I was wondering what your thoughts might be on blueberry/fruity strains that you might have tried. I had one strain called America once that was some kind of blueberry cross and would love to find some like it. Just wondering what some of your faves might be for smoking and growing in that category.


Active Member
Was real good Hazey. I am all about the indoor shit until I move back out to the country. I can't fucking find that 8 Mile High though. PM me if you know of any sources.


Well-Known Member
I am going to do a report on ACE Panama Red soon. Real close to Colombian I had back in the 70's, in both taste and high.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
i've had blueberry twice and didn't like it. it was similar to skunk #1, euphoric, but even more stoney and i don't like being stoned one bit. not only that, but i found it's "everyone's favorite strain in the world" blueberry flavor to be seriously underwhelming. it tasted like you have a single grain of artificially flavored blueberry cereal sugar on your tongue while all of these other strains' flavors are more authentic:

kali mist
- crushed red pepper
durban poison - black licorice
haze & super cali haze - sweet grapes
highland thai - tutti fruity (juicy fruit)
lavender - even if it burns your mouth like you're on an elevator with someone who bathed in perfume
cat piss - more like male cat marking his territory... DISGUSTING
diesel - though why anyone would want to scrape a truck stop 20 year old oil stain & smoke it eludes me

i like both the flavor and buzz of super cali haze over blueberry any day. BB is better than street beasters for sure, but not enough of a high for me to enjoy it. i ONLY like getting high.

i went back and read the sticky... i should have read it earlier, but i posted my 2 cents on the format. i like plain english reporting best. too much info can fall between the cracks when you "quantify it" instead of just telling it like it is to me. i PARTICULARLY can't stand those checkbox reports. i won't even read them. if you just speak plainly, you can easily zero in on any traits outstanding qualities. if i were to make a smoke report grid, it would look like this:


couchlock level: (5 = sleeping pill & 0 = speed rush) i guess because people have trouble with adjectives
odor level:
tolerance buildup:

and a few other things, but at least for me, all of those things come up as they occur. durban poison expands like a mofo like i'm sure i mentioned, but none of the other strains really did, nor were they harsh. my mind just doesn't work by putting everything in tidy boxes as much as comparing everything to everything else.


Active Member
I've had both DJ Short Blueberry and Dutch Passion Skunk #1, and in all honesty that Skunk made my face numb. The Blueberry was so-so.


Active Member
I am going to do a report on ACE Panama Red soon. Real close to Colombian I had back in the 70's, in both taste and high.
I'd love to hear about it. It's not Panama Red though right? I know the guy involved in that shit posts on IC Mag. He also worked with Cannibiogen. It's closer to the real deal than most though. Pink pistils and all. Really wanna hear your report and how long you flowered.


Well-Known Member
Now this I would read!!!
Read Before Posting
Please use the following template for posting a smoke report.

Bag Appeal:
The High:

If you have pictures please post them as well.
(can we get a moderator in here to clean up this mess)

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
that's weird. i seem to remember reading that panama red's buzz was less trippy and more about speedy euphoria along the lines of kali mist & C99.

if you're growing some, i'd sure like to get a lowdown on it's buzz.

i have some sativa seeds' "pure" oaxican (another happy mexican strain) eldorado i want to test as i'm looking for something really old school to knock 75% gold up with. haze skunk & 8 miles high are top contenders, but i want to try and shrink it a little with 50 day flowering cindy apollo 1st.

there's a member here that claims to have a pure gold bean. if he back crossed it a few generations, i could see some breeder offering a nice bid for the genetics. i wouldn't hesitate to buy 100% gold if anyone offered it even if i'd have to figure out how to grow it or devote my entire room to SCROGging it.

it's so sad that LEGIT IBLs are so rare now. i'm still pissed about my 0% mekong haze & burmese


Active Member
that's weird. i seem to remember reading that panama red's buzz was less trippy and more about speedy euphoria along the lines of kali mist & C99.

it's so sad that LEGIT IBLs are so rare now. i'm still pissed about my 0% mekong haze & burmese
Funny, I actually thought PR was suppose to be one of the most visual trippy strains that didn't get you stoned, but just made you look left and right like you "thought you heard something."
I agree on the IBL's though. What happened with that Mekong? Was that Delta mekong?


Active Member
what is real colombian gold.. .& how does it set the standard for comparison.
Rawski, all I know is that once the shit was dried it was golden yellow in color, all the old timers smoked it, it was CHEAP, and despite the fact it was cheap, it was pure sativa shit that put you in an energetic cloud of lightning and nobody was smart enough to keep enough seeds so we could enjoy it now.