indoor spouts?


how tall are indoor spouts when they get there second set of leaves?how long does it take for the plant to get second set of leaves indoor with low light..


Well-Known Member
I would say about 5-6 inches and you would have to elaborate on what you mean by low light is this light a CFL? an incandescent? a LED? or HID(high intensity/hps/mh). also light dissipates(lumens on the label aren't actually the lumens you see the plants are getting with your eyes) based on how many (inches) the canopy(top of the plant) is from the bulb itself. If the sprout is in a decent environment and is living healthy I would say 2 weeks max after sight of first growth?

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
With low light levels you can expect very tall plants with a lot of spacing between nodes. If they even survive long enough to form buds, they will likely collapse from their own weight and be unmanagable. Give them good light and they will grow hort and stocky and grow 2 set of nodes like in a week or less.