Indoor Soil Grow, 4 WW Day 30 Flowering


Active Member
Sorry it's halfway through already but I wasn't able to get my hands on a camera for a while. Just thougt i'd give you a few specs on what ive done so far and let you guys follow it to the end.

250 Watt Hps
Soil grow (Miracle Grow Compost 50%, Perlite 25%, Coco Coir 25%)
4 White Widows indoor metre sq grow space
No Nutes

Enjoy the Pictures.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for stopping by my journal! YOur ladies are looking nice and healthy. Bigg too! Very nice. The ony thing I can reccomend is adding some bloom Nutrients. this will help yor bud really fill out and get dence. JUst go to you local garden center and big somthing up with the word bloom on it. JUst make sure its not time realese fertilizer. other than that things look great!


Active Member
Im just worried adding nutes at such a late stage having had none so far could stress the plant and ruin my yield? Thanks for checking in



Well-Known Member
Add them the plant will eat it up! just start off slow. if you want to keep them natural. Add some Mollasses 2 tablespoons per gallon. This will help add some carbs and some nutes aswell. Use this every other water. but in the last two week use plain water. This will be a mild way to boost those buds abit if you want to keep the nutes mild. You have gone this far without them so I think this is all you need


New Member
Hey Klunk. Its great that you started your journal. Sorry ut I could not view your pics as I am on dial up and it timed out beofre pics came.
I will stay tuned in to your grow journal now that I know it is here.

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Hey Klunk
Be-u-T-ful white widows, no nukes?, awesome job!

Gonna co-sign Matt though
You should give your girls some bloom food, at 1/4 strenght to begin
They will love it and you will love watching their explosive flowering

But - kudos to you on the job so far, big time!
I'd give you +rep, but I'm out for the next 24hrs - catch up with you then...



Active Member
Thanks for the kind words, am way ahead of you in taking matt's advice as ive done some research and ordered some fox farm tiger bloom.have fun for the next 24 hours and ill + your rep for some useful comments.



New Member
Wow klunk dude!!!
You are quite the weed farmer!
Those plants look wicked. Very good job.

Thanks so much for shrinking them for me to view.
I'll definitely stay watching your thread.

Making my hash now. I'm using the blender method only because I have all the materials and it seems the easiest right now.



Well-Known Member
hey man... thought it appropriate that my first post be on your thread.... good to hear ur acting on the nute situation... we stickin to jus the lil'un or goin for the full slog???? also cant say how awsome those pics look man...

btw.. think i left my camera cable over at urs??


Active Member
You did and i'll look after it until you need it. Thought we'd do them all but start as recommended at 1/4 strength and build up as needed, and turn your phone on.



New Member
Thank you kindly for all your help with my hash Klunk. You knew what I was yakking on about which isn't an easy task at times with me.

Made my hash and it smells heavenly.

Of course it did not surprise me to know you grow badass plants.