Indoor Plant Beds


Active Member
Alright guys, not too long ago I read in either HT or CC about an easy, quick way to create Outdoor growing Conditions Indoors!

Basically, you construct a flower bed out or 2x12's(or deeper if you so choose) lined with black plastic, filled with soil, and fitted with an irrigation system to evenly disperse the water.

I've been thinking about this and ways to manipulate it to make it a little better and if I were to do this I would raise the bed about 6 in off the ground(for insulation and drainage) and put three pans under the bed so that the excess water can drain off into these pans...also this would make the end of the grow flush so much easier than even using pots...just pour the water in the bed...dump the tray...repeat, no lugging plants to the sink or figuring out other ways to catch the excess runoff...

The pros to this system
No more prepping pots, the article stated that you can reuse the soil repeatedly as long as you make an effort to remove some root mass
Easier to flush
More Natural Setting for the plants
All Around easier to deal with

Cant move it
Thats about it from what I see

But thats why I am see what you guys think...

So, what do you think? Is an indoor flower bed a good idea or a bad idea? and Why?