Indoor overall questions


Active Member
If I have one plant and I only plan on allowing it to grow to about 3 feet before harvest, (just a plane bag seed) how much should I worry about Oder? It's in the highest level of the house and parents live in the level below. It's in a cut out of one of my walls with a fan...also as far as hight, what hight should I even let it get to during vegetation, if when its taken down, I only want it about 2 and a half to 3 feet?

kenny ken 77

Active Member
12" mate, depending whether it's indica Dom or sativa Dom, smell is always a factor, fact is decent weed stinks! If you've not got a decent set up, I.e. Carbon filter etc, you best invest in plenty of scented candles and air fresheners. Mine still stink even with a carbon filter, I open the tent and wham! Stunk out the whole house...Lol!


Well-Known Member
As above mate smells always a factor.
Have a look at the odour controll thread theres some awsome ghetto solutions if u dont qanna shell out lol