

Active Member
Right now, my plants are 2 weeks old are looking pretty good. As of right now I have had them on my balcony to get direct sunlight, but now I feel that just sunlight isn't enough. I started to put my plants in my laundry basket at night with a cfl so they can receive more light. I want to get more light, I fell like there is a lot of light lost, not getting directed to the plants. Could I use the shiny metallic back part of a balloon to redirect the light? I heard you weren’t supposed to use tin foil.


Well-Known Member
The sunlight will definitely produce enough light. Advantages of indoor growing are that you can control the amount of light the plant gets, less chance of critters getting all over the plants, and better security from anyone knowing about the plants. Mylar is a great reflective item to use. Plants need at least 18 hours of light in the vegetative state and about 12 hours of light and dark during flowering.


Well-Known Member
Those helium balloons, the shiny ones, are made of mylar. Mylar is a very good reflective material. One CFL is probably not enough, if you want to optimize your plant's potential. You'll want more bulbs to complete your 18 hours of light. Also, make sure your dark period is very dark. Good luck.