indoor mothers. Fan leaves curling with Pics


Hello; it's my first post and I have an issue.

I have 8 mothers under a 1000 watt HPS (not a permanent setup) and started to notice the fan leaves on a few on them curling up. I'm not one to just hop on the internet and beg for help, but I have done some investigating and can't put my finger on the problem. It seems when the fan leaves do curl, it could be many different forces at work.

I ph my water every couple of days and change my res tank every week. My res tank in 70 litres. My ph levels are around the 5.7/6.3 level. I use the sensi 2+ grow as well as B-52 (both advanced nutrient products) and keep the EC around 1.-1.2 with my EC pen. I use diatomite as a medium. My humidity sits at 55-60 range and my a/c unit keep the room at 78 degrees.

Anyone out there have/had the same problem and what did you to correct the curling. did you flush your girls for a day or two? add any nutes? let me know guys/gals.Here's a few pics, take a look and tell me if you've ever seen or experienced this problem before. thanks, Swatty

