Indoor Hydro Grow #2


Well-Known Member
OK people after appreciating all the grow journals on this site ive decided to document my 2nd batch of ladies for you all to see.

I recently finished my first grow and harvested on New Years of 2008. My 1st grow was a huge success and i have a pic of the month (March) up on for my winning submission.

1st time around i grew skunkXjamaican from wild rose seed co. and an indoor mix from visc. i grew 6 plants and was blessed with 3 ladies, the smoke was incredible and the journey from smoker to grower was one of the most rewarding of my life!

So.....ive smoked up all my killer dank and started another batch of skunkxjamaican and the visc indoor mix....only to have 8 seedlings eaten by mice..ahhhh! but it was my fault anyway... so since then

ive started 6 more plants from bagseed, i have no idea the quality of the bud it was from but the experiment will be to see if i can get chronic off of these plants. my setup is a drip system using rockwool and clay pellets, ive vegged under two floros and will switch to a 400watt hps probably in the next week! Im using filtered water and dutch master advance nutes for veg and dutch master gold for flower.

not sure of just how old these are but i'll be switching them to flower when they reach between 10-12", none have shown their sex yet so that will be an exciting day.....keep watching and reading.....
2 of the pics ive attached are of the last crop harvest and the other 2 pics are current photos of the new crop growing now. stay tuned



Well-Known Member
thanks aerohead, keep checkin in the more feedback and encouragement the better.

so folks do you want weekly updates, daily or what? let me know.


Well-Known Member
i sometimes do weekly updates. sometimes more if theres been a big chance in my plants within just a few days. its really up to you how often you update. i think day to day would be too much since it usually takes a few days to get a nice significant difference in previous pictures. every few days to a week seems pretty standard!

they look great. your last grow turned out good.
did you buy the seeds online? you said you bought through wild rose seed co. not sure if thats a net site?
Im in the PNW as well. not sure if you're an MMJ patient but so far none of the THCF contacts sell seeds. all clones. one dude doesnt even have a legit place. he just wants to meet on the side of a highway. WTF. thats just weird. I just stick with a dispensary thats pretty far away but worth the drive. his clones are twice as expensive as highway guy. highway guy charges 10 per. and the other dude charges 25 per clone. so i just stick to online seed banks and my own clones :D


Well-Known Member
yeah id be sketched out even with my card about highway guy!
i purchased my seeds from the vancouver seed bank

wild rose is a seed breeder somewhere in bc, prolly vancouver island (god i want to move there). since you have your card you prob will never need to go there but there website is worth checking out, they have a vapor lounge and all, good vancouver destination, the photos in the pics are of Vancouver Island Seed Companys indoor mix, but i think its their strain called "virgin"
killer plant, super easy to grow and huge yield!
thanks for the info on updates, keep checkin in!


Well-Known Member
oh yeah,
the vancouverseedbank does not ship to the us but im pretty close so i drove up there and brought them back down. which is one of bc's longest running and award winning seed breeders do ship to the us, i just won some free seeds from them, should be getting their "420" soon, cant wait, that will be my next grow, no more of this bagseed bullshit


Well-Known Member
folks if your looking at this thread your comments are wanted, please drop a quick line and tell me what you think! all info is appreciated


Well-Known Member
hydro rocks, so easy, so rewarding, so quick, the only downfall is i dont think you can grow organic with hydro....anyone......... can you grow organic with hydro?


Well-Known Member
cool thanks for all the info about the seed place. Might have to make myself a trip up to canada sometime soon. the drive is quick for me. Im near seattle! who knows if i'll make it to canada this year though considering gas prices being $4 a gallon. I hardly want to drive to the grocery store! haha.

and lately Ive been making my boyfriend drive me everywhere and he's more broke than me. I feel bad. lol.


Well-Known Member
yeah i hear you, tidalracepaddler obviously means i like to play in my kayak at places with fast moving water and with gas at 4+ dollars a gallon, reacreational activities get put on hold, especially when you work paycheck to paycheck like i do.
its worth it superhighme to get up there and check out their store, you and your man should plan a vacation to vancouver and hit up the seedbanks, thats what my wife and i are going to do! the fact that you dont puff means you might not want to check out their vapor lounge put for us washingtonians vancouver seed bank is way, way close, and a great source for killer bc genetics! its crazy that we live so close to one of the biggest and best cannabis breeding areas in the entire world, i kinda feel lucky and i dont even live in bc


Well-Known Member
yeah i hear you, tidalracepaddler obviously means i like to play in my kayak at places with fast moving water and with gas at 4+ dollars a gallon, reacreational activities get put on hold, especially when you work paycheck to paycheck like i do.
its worth it superhighme to get up there and check out their store, you and your man should plan a vacation to vancouver and hit up the seedbanks, thats what my wife and i are going to do! the fact that you dont puff means you might not want to check out their vapor lounge put for us washingtonians vancouver seed bank is way, way close, and a great source for killer bc genetics! its crazy that we live so close to one of the biggest and best cannabis breeding areas in the entire world, i kinda feel lucky and i dont even live in bc
we actually have discussed moving to BC just because of economy situations and the fact that healthcare there is much more appealing then being under no healthcare. my boyfriend cannot go with out it because he has medical problems that require coverage or lots of money. anyways, I love B.C. more than Vancouver i really love visiting Harrison Hot Springs Resort! its the vest vacation spot in Canada, Im telling you! its a small town but its absolutely beautiful and hey, you can stop in vancouver and then head up for a nice get away. (yes, they really have a hot springs. and its fucking awesome)

their pools say it all... (full bar with servers wandering around for plenty of drink ordering)

Hotel Swimming Pool - Two Indoor Pools - Hot Mineral Pools : Harrison Hot Springs Resort & Spa


Well-Known Member
SWEET, my wife grew up in idaho, land of natural hot springs, its fucking incredible, google "kirkham hotsprings" or just google "idaho hot springs" you will shit your pants! She introduced me to hotspringing and i had no idea, growing up in deserty eastern washington and all. Im thinking harrison hotsprings must be in eastern bc, or right on the coast up the inside passage?
looks phenomenal, just a wee bit too developed but still awesome! have u heard of bagby hotsprings outside portland? KILLER, hike in hotsprings with old growth cedar logs hollowed out for soaking tubs, it rocks and is the ultimate puffers hotspring paradise, all private soaking tubs and if you go in the off season during the week, there is no one there. check it out!


Well-Known Member
Hey mate Plants are looking great. Just wondering what was the total yield of those 3 plants? Also do you follow the follow the back of the bottle on DM gold or do you use less whats your formula. I picked up DM and zone anything else you can shoot my way for my first grow?


Well-Known Member
Sure, first of all thanks for the look and the kind words, cheers!

#2 do you have a ph and ec meter? i think i harvested about 6 ounces of the plants, the huge plant with the giant buds prolly around 3.5 o's, the smaller indica about 1.5, and a sativa/indica from wild rose seed co. which was not in the photos around 1.5 o's.

i kept the nutes at veg at a ec of 1.2 max, and flower worked my way up to 1.7 max.
i used about 1/3 strengh nutes at the start and worked up checking my ec meter daily while keeping a grow log of the ph and ec, per day. I think the directions on the back are a little overkill, the nute companys always reccomend more than is needed, so you'll buy more quicker.

i grew hydro and was so pleased, i think a lot had to do with genetics....the big plant pictured was the biggest, hardiest, and easiest to grow since it cracked from seed,
good on ya for your growing, keep checkin in, any comment is appreciated


Well-Known Member
I will deff keep tuned in to this grow. I picked up a PH and PPM meter on ebay so im set there. Got my seeds from onestopseedshop yesterday so that rocked. I went with Big bud and crystal by nirvana. 20 seeds for $50 was not 2 shabby. I am going to go with a drip for veg and ebb and flow for flower. Did you just stick with DWC the whole time


Well-Known Member
no i was going to do the same exact thing as you, drip for veg and ebb and flow for flower. but as i neared the flower stage my drip was working so well that i just let it go for the flower too. i will always just use the drip for hydro from now on, so much easier and you dont have to worry about a flood if your shit fails.
killer deal on the seeds, going to check your strains out now!
really happy to have people tuned into my grow!
are you on a grow journal as well? post the thread if so.


Well-Known Member
Nope no grow journal yet havent acutally started the grow. I have to take a trip to california in a couple days so I am going to start when I get back The grow will be starting on the 14th and I am really excited. I have spent the last 2 months sniping deals on ebay like my brand new HTG 400watt grow light with ballast and hood and extra bulb for $50 =) I got some other great deals to but when i start my grow ill post pictures of the whole setup with the price i paid for everything.


Well-Known Member
sweet poach on the light, super deal!
yeah keep us posted, a grow i'd follow, are u in the uk? seems like it, but could be wrong.
the seeds look great, read up on the strains from the bank you ordered from!