Indoor growing.


Well-Known Member
Kind of a silly question but does growing in the city not as safe to do as in say a small rural town?

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Well-Known Member
obviously yeah with neighbours a mile away as opposed to neighbours metres away but just try to eliminate the risks, 1.smell (carbon scrub/filters/) 2. noise from fans/pumps ect (mufflers, soundproofing ect) theres more that's the main two I guess

Just paranoid

Active Member
growing in a non medical mj state will always be a risk. as said there are things you can do to lessen that risk but not eliminate it.


Well-Known Member
So if the neighbors definitely wouldn't smell or hear anything that would lessen the risk a good deal?


Well-Known Member
i'd feel pretty confident that I could set up a room in any place and avoid most suspicion because if I don't have strange visitors, activity smell or noise then there is nothing to be suspicious about. But there are always 'risks' involved, anything could happen there could be a small fire or water/gas leak or some other 'emergency',a break in, plus you have to be very careful who knows what you do (preferably nobody) I wouldn't have housemates and visitors could click on/stumble upon/catch a wiff, jilted lovers ;) idk. The 'risk' is small but the consequences of getting caught could be catastrophic(very dependant on size, if your talking a couple plants then not so much lol) especially with similar priors. :) just don't skimp on carbon filters they are great 'insurance' and remember what you can smell might be different to what other people can smell because you are used to it (forgot the term)


Active Member
small rural towns have their own, serious downsides. i read on a thread here recently "no sell, no tell, no smell" that is good for everywhere.