Indoor growing (newbie)


Active Member
Hi all, i just germanited 5 seeds in the paper towel method, they all cracked in 2 days+, then i put them each in a 4" square pot with 50% promix,35% perlite, and 15% vermiculite. I don't know how often to water (i got a moisture meter, but it says it"s dry even after i water it with distilled water?)
and some one said to use FoxFarm grow big, and big bloom for nutes, do you Veterans say this is OK to use?. I don't know anything about which nutes to use, thats why i'm asking. Thanks for reading.Attached is a picture of my newly builr grow room.



Well-Known Member
Grow room looks sexy , anyway , dont use big bloom for vegging, thats for budding and yea it works great , as long as its high in P your good, you something simple right now like 8-7-6 will work fine for vegging , miracle grows ok , but theyres better stuff out there , if you want google a local hydropnic shop in you area and they will help you. Lighting MH for vegg and HPS for flowering , how many plants do u plan to grow, how much room you have etc and ill help you out , just lemme know


Well-Known Member
oh yea soil is good and water meters suck , if theyre seedlings water them each for that 5 inch pot about 2-3 oz every day if ur using high powered lighting , i need more info if u want help


Active Member
with a MH bulb for veg. then the high pressure sodium bulb for flowering, i got 5 plants to show roots in paper towel, but they don't show any growing in the small pots yet (it's only been 1 day) when they break the medium i will start the mh light.