Indoor Grow-Op setup questions (pics included)


Well-Known Member
This community has been very helpful in the past so I'm hoping someone takes the time to review this thread and give me some professional insight as this is only my 3rd grow and I'm not even a Padawan yet lol. So I'm gonna break down my setup as quickly as possible so I can get down to it.

I use 2 tents, 1 veg 1 flower. My veg tent is 58x58x79 using 12 3.5 gallon buckets under 3 T5 fluorescent's as seen below. I grow my plants in 8x8x8 inch rock-wool cubes in 10' bucket inserts. I use the Lucas formula throughout the entire grow cycle which I really have alot of questions about because I've been thinking about making my own nutrient recipe in which case I need alot of advice and I haven't been able to find my answer in my research.

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My flower tent is 98x98x79 and currently has 2 600w HPS lights in brand new enclosed reflectors. I use an ebb and grow system to flower as well with 5 gallon buckets so all I do is take them out of veg and set them in the 5 gallon buckets in the flower tent and yes it is soooooooo nice being able to transplant so easily lol. The plants below are almost 4 weeks into flower and their buds are so small compared to my other grows at 4 weeks. I think its because of the lack of training these plants undergo and the lack of airflow when lights go off as I zip up the entire tent so light from the veg tent doesnt disturb the flowering plants. Tonight I setup 2 inline fans blowing into the tent when lights go off and the tent is zipped up and I opened one of the lower vents so any kind of nightime airflow circulation issues should be solved.

P.S my flowering tent is designed for 8 flowering plants and currently has 4 in which is why I have my 2nd 600w light lowered to face the other side of the tent. One of the plants was flowered young as an experiment and was never topped lol.

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I'm about to perform my first LST grow on the plants shown in the first picture.
I have been facing big time issues with yield in my first and only 2 grows because I don't utilize any training methods to make light available to every branch. I usually just grow the plants till they have a certain amount of branches then top them and veg another week and then flower. This method is not working for me anything as I should be averaging 4 to 6 ounces a plant and I'm getting like 2 to 3. I'm tired of seeing large colas in pictures online when my setup should be capable of doing the same thing ya know.


Well-Known Member
Forgot to mention that I'm vegging hybrid strains from nirvana shop, AK-48, Crystal, and Blackberry. I'm flowering Wonder Woman, Snow White, and Papaya.


Well-Known Member
Regarding what nutrients to use. I now have such a good setup that I want to experiment with nutrients thats why I have been considering using a cheap Base nute system like the lucas formula and use additives from Advanced nutrients. CAN ANYBODY TELL ME IF THIS IS A GOOD IDEA lol I have been able to find little to nothing about using the lucas formula with additives from advanced nutrients. I was thinking about vegging with just the lucas formula and maybe something else from Advanced nutrients and then flowering with the lucas formula using Big Bud, Nirvana, Bud Candy, and Final Phase from advanced nutrients. I want a good nutrient recipe and honestly they are impossible to find as nobody ever gives a straight answer online telling people this is what they use and when they use it lol. I would like to hear from a professional that grows the best weed what hydroponic nutrients they use lol and Ill figure out how to use them I just want to know what to use because I believe the lucas formula grows weed very well without deficiencies but I also feel that there are more complex solutions that produce a better end product.