Indoor grow help needed


OK..I'm still a noob both here and in growing. My last indoor grow was ok but nothing close to what it should have been. I do blame myself for it because I didn't pay close enough attention to it (work and such).

I've been reading up on here and I feel I'm learning more and more. I have decided to modify my system in hope of having a bigger crop this time around. What I would like to kow is if the following setup would be good.

My system would be as follows:
4' x 4' tent
2' x 3' (aprox)grow tub - homemade aero/dwc system using a 54 gallon rubbermaid tub with 19 3" netpots (this is what I used on my last grow but only grew 6 plants to test it out & it seemed to work ok)
2' x 3' grow table
3 fans for intake/exhaust/circulation (no ductwork or filters yet - not sure if needed)
2 - 400 watt MH/HPS lights - used 1 light on my last grow
633gph water pump + 396gph water pump if needed
45 Lmp air pump with 2- 3 air stones for the rez
timer for the pump
timer for the lights/fans
AN Jungle Juice nutrients + Cal/Mag for the RO water I use - approx 30-35 gallons in the tub

I'm considering using the following:
4" rockwool cubes with a dripcap on each block -- perhaps 20 blocks to start - possibly going up to 30 or more
3" netcups in the tub with rockwool chunks - with covers on them

My questions are as follows:
1) Should I use larger netpots in the tub if I grow regular plants? (My last grow were autos)
2) If I follow Al B Fuct's advice and basically skip the veggie state and go directly into 12/12 after 4-6 weeks of seedling growth on regular plants, can I grow regular and autos together at the same time?
3) Are 4" RW blocks big enough to grow a plant out completely or should I go to a 6" block?
4) Would 2 - 400 watt lights in my 4'x4' tent be enough? Possibly too much?
5) IF growing regular seeds, how often should I change the water in the rez? I didn't have to drain it during my autoflower grow - just topped it off --- I used the Lucas formula and it seemed ok but I'm considering following the AN feeding chart this time -- along with using 35% H2O2 - as per Al B Fuct's advice
6) Would I do better if I switched from Jungle Juice to the PH Perfect Connoisseur Part A/B line from AN?

I want to stagger my growth so I can harvest every 2-3 weeks. I have a seperate seedling cabinet wih 2 - 2' flourescents in it. I have auto seedlings currently growing in Sure To Grow starter cubes in 2" nectups right now (so far 6 of 10 have popped). I will be adding covers to these ASAP. I also have 60+ regular seeds that I would like to grow along with another 5-6 different autos to grow. I also have a spare 2'x2' (approx) homemade tent and several smaller tubs if needed.

Any help from experienced growers would be greatly welcomed.