Indoor closet grow design help (first timer)


I need some help figuring out what would be best equipment for my closet grow.
I’m willing to spend around 400-500 dollars. I plan to grow 3-4 plants. I’d like to get at least 1 oz per plant of good bud. I want to grow something with low odor and a high yield. I have not yet picked what type I want to grow yet any suggestions are helpful J.
My closet is 3-foot deep, 6 foot long and 8 foot tall.
A little bit of information on my closet. It is in the farthest room away from the front door. I have an attic right about my closet so I can remove a bit of roofing to do ventilation up through the ceiling into the attic if needed. The room is already painted white but the door is brown.
I figure I’ll do a 2 tables with 2 plants on each table. This would take up about half of my grow room.
What would you do for ventilation in this room? I was thinking 2 fans large fans flowing air around. I’m still confused on exactly how or what im doing here. I’d like the odor to be low so I was thinking a carbon filter of some sort. I’m confused on how to go about setting this up. Ona Pro if I cant figure out how to get my carbon filter set up. Or ill use both ;) intake and exhaust would be good. How big of fans should I need and how to make it flow out the roof. My attic is really hot and humid if that chances anything.
The next question I have is the lighting I need to use. I’m not sure exactly how much or what amount of watts I need for each stage of growing. Any help would be great. I heard good things about fluorescent lights for the veg stage.
How can I measure the humidity and temperature in my room? What kind of device will measure both of these?
With my budget what would you do to this room to create a nice little grow room? I would like to grow 2 times a year. Would you go with a hydroponic grow or a normal soil grow?
Would you go with a grow tent or what? My main issue is how do I get fresh air into my closet. There are no windows or anything close to my closet.


3'x6'x8' sounds like maybe u would have folding doors? does the door create an light/air tight enviroment?

as far a light for that amount of space and ur ambitions 400w would probably be fine maybe go 600 if you see growth in ur future hahahah

u mention a tent do you want the grow to be in a cab/tent within ur closet? or do you plan on using the entire closet?

As a new grower a few years back, I was concerned about smell. You want to be stealthy and there tends to be a bit of paranoia at the start. But after a few years growing and researching I think I can say with confidence that if you set up your grow area with proper ventilation and odor control, you will be fine. Now i prefer the mure pungent strains. Ive grown big bang, pineapple express, and kandy kush and all three of those reaked. The last two in a 4x4x8 closet under a 250 hps with a 130cfm exhaust fan carbon filter combo vented into the attic. As long as the area was closed you could NEVER smell a thing. As the vapors enter the attic and escape through the roof vents outside whatever smell is left dissapates into the great outdoors. I live in a two story home and from what I understand vapors lighter than air go upward. I have walked around the neighborhood doing sniff test to make sure I was ok. The point I am tryin to make is dont worry about smell of the cannabis and be concerned with your odor control. There are a few strains that are considered low odor like northern lights to name one. But you will be limiting your selections by going this route. Personally I think the smell is one of the best things about weed. But hey you gotta be comfortable so do what suits ya! Happy growing!!! ---- Jimdandy

he said it best and i agree about northern lights

for ventilation i need to know more about your closet but if you vent to you attic fresh air from your room will be pulled through the door assuming its not air tight

personally i would go hps from start to finish with your budget
Wondering if you figured out your closet grow and how it went. I have the same size closet and boy did I have to fight with high temps. I used a smaller closet for veg and running a fan actually made it warmer. Weed stops growing at 85, I hit 100 a couple of times! Yikes. No ventilation except leaving the door open and trying to push the hot air out the top of the door. I am attempting my next grow in the larger closet, but this time I have everything painted flat white including the doors. I have the doors that hang on a rail and slide open. I hang an old comforter on the outside to block light, and flowering lights go out at night to minimize light leaks(very important). I usually open the door during lights on, but this time I may be venting to the attic and duct it all the way to the roof vent. I will probably pull air from the room where the closet is, and I shut the furnace vents in that room to keep it cool. It would be a good idea to choose easy to grow strains that are heat resistant as well. Querkle did good, but yields were low. Great smoke though! This time I'm going with Nirvana's Northern Lights due to ease of grow, low odor, heat tolerance, and yield. I currently only grow in the colder months, but we shall see this year. Good luck!