Increasing odds for development of female plants


I'm quite new to all this... well in a way since I've only grown once before and that was about 15 years ago - 2 hermies for all my work but I understand why now.

Anyway, I'm in the process of growing 5 plants that are in various stages of development. The most established of my plants is now in its 3rd week after sprout (23 days to be exact). The others are anywhere between 2 and 8 days post sprout.

I'm using a 400W MH light about 14" from the tops for vegging, planted in 8"pots using Promix BX and DNF A+B veg formula (pH 5.6). The grow area is about 10'sq and the temp usually hovers around 83-85F with the fan running. I'm trying to ensure my plants are as healthy and happy as possible to hopefully stack my odds for producing female plants. Am I just wasting my time because the seed's sex was established at time of creation, or can I actually influence the sex development of my plants? Since I only have these 5 plants, I want to ensure that I end up with more females than males.

I've included a few photos of the first plant at 2 and 3 weeks after sprout for your consideration. The last 2 photos show the plant at 3 weeks but only 5" tall and over 8" across. Looks like it will be a bushy plant but I hope not too bushy otherwise I won't have space for all 5 (same seed strain).

Thanks for looking :peace:

edit: Forgot t mention that I'm using an 18/6 light cycle if that makes a difference.

