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New Member
Ive been a member of RIU since 2007 I know my profile says 2009..But anyways IMHO ive noticed more underage kids on here...I dont want to leave here but some of these kids are getting on my nerves..


Well-Known Member
This is the internet, not meant for everyone.

Just have to have thicker skin or you let them win.
I am the President of the United states....never mind what I really am, just believe me.

have a peaceful journey much litle Heavy D and the BoyZ and their album peaceful journey, which is it good to you is on. that song is a definite must buy when on a day or want to set the mood.

is he gone yet??

that song.....................................


Active Member
Agreed fully on the kids. I hate it when you ignore one & they just create another account & continue to harass you, yet the moderators do nothing about it, because they are more concerned with having a high volume of users then respectful & "of age" users. I have evidence to people posting on my wall, posting on my threads, posting to me through private message, admitting to being trolls & admitting to not being 18, yet the mods do nothing about it?

Hopefully I don't get banned for exposing such corruptness. Kind of like exposing a police department, it does good for about 20-minutes, until they land you on some bogus BS.

I happen to enjoy RIU's forum set-up better then other forums, which is why I continue to post here. But, who knows, I might be next to follow you out the door. Good luck dude.

EDIT; I don't allow the kids to get to me, I simply ignore them immediately as well as all future accounts they create to stalk me. it is the internet after all, but that doesn't mean the moderators should be allowing people to do what they do, especially when they are admitting first hand they are trolls. What more do you need as far as evidence? Your allowing trolls to run people off your site in the benefit of what? It's ridiculous if you ask me... the ignore function on RIU needs to be better as well, when you ignore someone there is no reason they should still be allowed to contact you via thread, message, & wall. It almost makes the ignore function pointless.


New Member
Agreed fully on the kids. I hate it when you ignore one & they just create another account & continue to harass you, yet the moderators do nothing about it, because they are more concerned with having a high volume of users then respectful & "of age" users. I have evidence to people posting on my wall, posting on my threads, posting to me through private message, admitting to being trolls & admitting to not being 18, yet the mods do nothing about it?

Hopefully I don't get banned for exposing such corruptness. Kind of like exposing a police department, it does good for about 20-minutes, until they land you on some bogus BS.

I happen to enjoy RIU's forum set-up better then other forums, which is why I continue to post here. But, who knows, I might be next to follow you out the door. Good luck dude.

EDIT; I don't allow the kids to get to me, I simply ignore them immediately as well as all future accounts they create to stalk me. it is the internet after all, but that doesn't mean the moderators should be allowing people to do what they do, especially when they are admitting first hand they are trolls. What more do you need as far as evidence? Your allowing trolls to run people off your site in the benefit of what? It's ridiculous if you ask me... the ignore function on RIU needs to be better as well, when you ignore someone there is no reason they should still be allowed to contact you via thread, message, & wall. It almost makes the ignore function pointless.
Most people tend to ignore or troll the living shit out of babies and retards that quote themselves in their sig. Unsurprisingly you're both, and as a result you get shit on to the point the internet has you in tears. S1ck life bro.


Active Member
TheCoc08 is back to stalk me, yet she fails to realize her responses to me are never seen due to being on ignore. Common-sense is another thing many kids on this site lack as well, so I can see why you would be moving on to another forum, but I'm sure people like TheCoc08 have accounts on other forums to, I mean Hell, she has 2 accounts on RIU alone, & uses them both to "act" as different people... those are just the 2 we know of, I'm sure there is more. She was even spotted quoting herself 5 times on the same thread, then preached about how other people quote themselves later that night, how are you going to preach what you are guilty of just hours prior, breaking that offense 5 times?

I don't know, it still amazes me people like her aren't banned for pure stupidity alone. I mean, if I were a moderator, it wouldn't be to hard to fish out the kids off of basic ignorance such as that. I cannot recommend any other forums & don't even know if I'm allowed to, but again, good luck. Take my advice, ignore the kids & stick it out, because i'm sure all forums contain the TheCoc's... it is the internet, your not going to get away from them.

The reality of it is, once you ignore them, you never hear from them again, yet they always hear from you, because they always see your response, but you don't see theres, it's a win-win situation all around. An, you get to laugh at they're ignorance as they respond to you, knowing they're responses are invisible.


Active Member
See what I mean, she replies... so you might as well stay, just ignore em & get a laugh at every response they shoot you. Because, in reality, they're not shooting you a response, they're shooting it to the air. Irritates the shit out of em.


New Member
Might as well be, you respond to every ignored message. Kind of defeats the purpose. My next post will literally say nothing and you will respond.


Well-Known Member
Ive been a member of RIU since 2007 I know my profile says 2009..But anyways IMHO ive noticed more underage kids on here...I dont want to leave here but some of these kids are getting on my nerves..
Smoke a bowl and laugh at their stupidity, thats what i do. You cant let people who dont know what they are talking about who just want to talk shit get to you. I would have left a long time ago if i let it bug me.


Active Member
Smoke a bowl and laugh at their stupidity, thats what i do. You cant let people who dont know what they are talking about who just want to talk shit get to you. I would have left a long time ago if i let it bug me.
Mother fucker, working on 10,000 posts! Can't say I don't believe you when you say you would of left a long time ago... your ancient! Lol. Good shit. +rep just for having an insane amount of replies, contributing a lot of that pot knowledge I see.
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