--->in need of some serious advice!!!!<---


Active Member
my buddy had a plant about 3 weeks into veg... had nice leaves, good color, and what looked like a real healthy stem and nodes system. he noticed today that it had some mold and it was a little black on the stem about an inch up from the grow medium. he went to clean it off and the plant just floped over at the seam. he quickly cut it and dipped it in rooting hormone and planted in rockwool... it has been maybe about 2 - 2 1/2 hours and the plant is now dropping its leaves but it has not lost its color. He know there should be some shock but are there any signs to look for in case the plant is really not going to make it? should the leaves go for the worst over night if it isnt going to make it or would it take a few days to find out....? we really dont know the strain cause he said he started with some seeds from some bag he bought. any advise is helpful and appreciated.

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
You might want to think about cutting some quick clones off her and starting over.
Although I can remember that my father had once successfully cloned 3 out of 5 branches, that broke from a 6 feet monster. All he did was put the hormone on and rockwool as you did.
So there is a chance. But a very slim one!


Well-Known Member
my buddy had a plant about 3 weeks into veg... had nice leaves, good color, and what looked like a real healthy stem and nodes system. he noticed today that it had some mold and it was a little black on the stem about an inch up from the grow medium. he went to clean it off and the plant just floped over at the seam. he quickly cut it and dipped it in rooting hormone and planted in rockwool... it has been maybe about 2 - 2 1/2 hours and the plant is now dropping its leaves but it has not lost its color. He know there should be some shock but are there any signs to look for in case the plant is really not going to make it? should the leaves go for the worst over night if it isnt going to make it or would it take a few days to find out....? we really dont know the strain cause he said he started with some seeds from some bag he bought. any advise is helpful and appreciated.
the whole plant 3 is too big for a single clone. he needs to take a few little ones.

the problem was "damping off"