

Active Member
Ok this can't be possible but I put my girls into flower this morning at 630 am, turned the lights on at 630 pm. Had dinner and now at 7:20pm I took a quick peek on them. My strawberry cough has shown sex already.. How can that happen?! Is it possible? Has anyone ever had this happen? I'm extremely happy to see this as she has the longest flower time of all strains going right now and she isn't an auto flower or anything like that..


Well-Known Member
Yes its very possible and your plant was probably at its maturity im sure it was calyxes on there already


Active Member
Veg for about 4-5 weeks I believe. I hope the others show sex soon too! At least I know I have a strawberry cough female for now lol. Hope the critical kush from Barney's farm is truly a female and at least one of the sweet god from bcbd is female too. That would leave me with one of each and I'd be extremely happy with that.
How can you tell if they are at maturity level? Is it to late to cut some clones and throw them into flower once they've rooted? That way if there is some males then I'll still have the same amount of girls that I wanted

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
when the plant starts to mature the nodes will alternate instead of being right across from each other. you will see preflowers that are hard to see without a jewelers loupe. yes you can grab some clones now. take the lowest branches and root them. make sure to label each one. they will take a couple weeks to root so when you put them into flower they will be behind the ones you have now.



Active Member
Ah ok that's good info, I didn't notice the nodes did that! Thanks very much! Those pics are damn good too... Wish I could take one like that :p
i was going to wait to get my loupe till later in the flower cycle but knowing me I'll end up getting one tomorrow and searching every node for a sign of sex lol.
I don't mind if I have to wait a few extra weeks for extra harvest so I'm going to wait for more of them to show sex and then I can pick which girl I want.. Also I don't Ben have cloning gel at the moment so I will have to wait anyways. They'll be going straight into the aerogarden once I get the gel and make some cuts :)

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
you dont have to have cloning gel, although i use it or powder whichever i have at hand.

btw the pics are not mine so i cant take credit for them, just passing on info.


Active Member
I have neither on me but I do prefer the gel.. I don't know why, just something draws me to it more for some reason. I think either would work very well in an aerogarden and gel would likely be a bit cleaner for the res but I still have a good feelin with gel lol.
The pics are still extremely helpful AND I still wish I could take those kinds of pics haha. I do appreciate it regardless of who's the original photographer, the info is what is useful, not who originally took the pic :)


Active Member
I'm very excited about these plants I've got. Got myself a 400 watt hps for my small tent so I'm looking forward to seeing the final outcome with the best lights for flower lol.


Well-Known Member
I'm very excited about these plants I've got. Got myself a 400 watt hps for my small tent so I'm looking forward to seeing the final outcome with the best lights for flower lol.
Only thing I would be worried about is proper ventilation man. 400's can get very hot in small spaces without the proper ventilation. Not saying it's not possible because I have seen many grows done in small spaces with a 400 hps. Just make sure you keep it under check and I'm sure you will do fine!


Active Member
It's a small area but not tiny. 4'L x 2'W x 4'H. I'm quite certain I've seen people use them in smaller areas than that on here. At 100% of the 400 it gets to about 90 in there with the top vent hole open till I can pick up a filter and 6" fan to vent it out. I'm so used to fluorescents but even with the 4 4' fluorescents it got to about 88 as well so it's not a huge difference as I thought it was going to be. I could almost get away with out the fan but I'll need it for my filter so I'm getting it either way lol. I know the critical kush is going to stink to hell if its female so it's mandatory for me.
I had to put up the hps sooner than I wanted cause I was dying to get it running but mostly to see what the temps would hit, now that I know I'm very happy I got it and did not just add a 600 watt led to the fluorescents although that would have been quite interesting as well lol. That led was literally at least twice as bright as the hps, no joke. I thought I was going blind looking anywhere close to the led and the hps I can look directly into it with my oakleys.. Yup, I really tried that lmao


Active Member
Accidentally uploaded the same pic twice but the two on the left are sweet god from bcbd, the one beside that is the strawberry cough which has shown sex and the furthest to the right is critical kush from Barney's farm


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2384081View attachment 2384081
Accidentally uploaded the same pic twice but the two on the left are sweet god from bcbd, the one beside that is the strawberry cough which has shown sex and the furthest to the right is critical kush from Barney's farm
Looking good bro. Just watch your temps. Although I have seen people grow an entire grow at 104 lol. So anything is possible.

I've seen plenty of people do it in smaller spaces to man it's all about ventilation. Keep your temps/RH good and everything else should fall into place.


Active Member
Thank you very much giggles!
I would definitely be concerned to run temps at 100 or more. I'm sure different climates do reach those temps but I'm always so paranoid about fires that I just couldn't let it get that hot. I know a fire is so incredibly unlikely but it is always on the back of my mind so whenever I put up a new light or add something I do it when there's enough time to monitor things and make sure it's ok.. If it holds up for 12 hours than I'm confident it will hold up as long as it needs to lol.
My temps don't go above 90 and my rh never above 65 although I did accidentally let it reach 75 once and it was like a rainforest lol. Sprayed a bit to much water and had just filled a little water bowl I leave in there to keep rh optimal when the soil starts to dry up a bit.
These plants are just under 2 feet tall but they are almost 2 feet wife and an extreme amount of bud sites. Every plant has multiple branches that are equal to the size of the plant, some even a bit taller. I didn't fim or do anything to them, they did it on their own :).
I do hope for around 3-5 ounces and I'm quite confident I should be able to achieve at least my lowest goal.
I did get a tiny bit of nute burn on the last feed but nothing major at all, just very slight on the tips of a few of the leaves so with plain ph balanced water next time and half strength the time after that they will be fine for sure.
My next plan is to find a way to cure that I'll be very happy with. I don't mind curing for a week on and off in jars and I know I'll be splitting it all up into smaller jars but I do want to read up on that water curing style I've heard about but know absolutely nothing about haha


Well-Known Member
Thank you very much giggles!
I would definitely be concerned to run temps at 100 or more. I'm sure different climates do reach those temps but I'm always so paranoid about fires that I just couldn't let it get that hot. I know a fire is so incredibly unlikely but it is always on the back of my mind so whenever I put up a new light or add something I do it when there's enough time to monitor things and make sure it's ok.. If it holds up for 12 hours than I'm confident it will hold up as long as it needs to lol.
My temps don't go above 90 and my rh never above 65 although I did accidentally let it reach 75 once and it was like a rainforest lol. Sprayed a bit to much water and had just filled a little water bowl I leave in there to keep rh optimal when the soil starts to dry up a bit.
These plants are just under 2 feet tall but they are almost 2 feet wife and an extreme amount of bud sites. Every plant has multiple branches that are equal to the size of the plant, some even a bit taller. I didn't fim or do anything to them, they did it on their own :).
I do hope for around 3-5 ounces and I'm quite confident I should be able to achieve at least my lowest goal.
I did get a tiny bit of nute burn on the last feed but nothing major at all, just very slight on the tips of a few of the leaves so with plain ph balanced water next time and half strength the time after that they will be fine for sure.
My next plan is to find a way to cure that I'll be very happy with. I don't mind curing for a week on and off in jars and I know I'll be splitting it all up into smaller jars but I do want to read up on that water curing style I've heard about but know absolutely nothing about haha
You are very welcome buster. Ya I know what you mean about fires I like to have everything up and running and have a trial run before I give everything the final go ahead. And don't worry to much about humidity during veg cycle they love it during that stage. I mean 75 is a bit high for vegging but clones and seedlings love that. I would say your safe in the range 40-60 for RH. They look they are doing very well my man. Will be subd up for this and will be interesting to see the final results.

I have seen the water curing done but it really isn't all that good. Is it fast? Yes it is faster but you lose flavor and smell and bag appeal also. I wouldn't do an entire crop with water curing but it is something you can try. I have done it and prefer to do it the way it's meant to be done. I like to let mine dry for about a week give or take a lil and then I put them in jars and then every 12 hrs I burp the jars. I go 12 in 12 open and then flip flop and then make sure they are in complete darkness during cure. Just remember don't get your hopes up on a high yield and then be disappointed if something goes wrong. Not saying it will but just take care of your girls and they will take care of you in the end. 3-5 ounces is very realistic with 4 plants but just take care of those girls and great things will follow.

If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will try to answer them to the best of my knowledge. Take care and happy growing bro!


Active Member
ill be sure to post lots of pics and keep everyone up to par with how things are going. i went and bought some cloning powder today... they didn't have the gel but with the added help of an aerogarden im sure they will root.
i had actually just finished reading about water curing, i don't think ill be doing more than say 7 grams that way.. just to try it out and see how much of a difference there is. i was also thinking of taking a few grams out of the 7 from water curing and then putting them into jars on and off for about a week to see if that makes any difference. it is always fun to experiment when it doesn't cost you anything or harm anything.
i definitely do not want to get my hopes to high but as the saying goes, "shoot for the moon and at worst you'll end up in the stars", or something like that lol.
5 more hours till lights on, im hoping to see some more girls today! patience is the hardest thing about grows.. you always want things to speed up and finish faster so you can see the final product but it is fun to see the day by day differences.

vtm i don't think its just the camera, im guessing it was a good camera with a jewelers loupe in front of the lens.. ive taken pretty nice pics with just a good camera and a magnifying glass but ill be damned if i can find them :s.