Important Question: Moving from Indoor to Outdoor during flowering stage.

Hey guys. So I have some Northern Lights that I've been growing at my buddies house for a while now, we're about 6 or so weeks into flowering ATM, everything has been coming along great. However, my friend and his parents began complaining about smell, and insisted we move the plants outdoors for the rest of their cycle. Here's where I need your help in determining what to do.

We live in the mid-US, Indiana specifically. I know we're getting close to fall, but I don't know if our days are short enough yet that they won't interrupt the flowering cycle. They've been out there for 3 days now, and still are looking beautiful and green fortunately.

Should I be worried about any negative changes at all you think? I'm worried the plant might attempt to revert back to veg sometime, and I want to know what I might need to watch out for to avoid any of the buds degrading at all. Right now they're getting nice and thick, plentyyy of crystals, and the white hairs are almost all receded and have been replaced with orange/red/tan hairs. What kind of signs will I see if and when the buds start to die off? Do you think I can go another week or two without any of the THC degrading? Anyone have previous experience going from indoor to outdoor smoothly?

Thanks for your help, I just really don't want anything to happen to my babies at this point! I want to make sure I at least harvest what I've got before anything bad happens.


Well-Known Member
not this far along in flowering. we are at 14 hour days now so it is possible but not them in an area that gets shaded by 6pm just to be sure. you might need to keep an eye on them, going from low light to intense sunlight can be a problem, a two week hardening off period is recommend. be sure to give them plenty of water, they will drink massive amount from the outdoor heat. Also, building a hoop house or some kind of structure to protect your flowers from excessive rain and prying eyes would be a good subject to look into.
Luckily the past few days have been slightly lower temperatures, with plenty of rain for the plants to drink and not too much sun. They seem rather unaffected at this point but we're definitely keeping a good eye on them. Today is probably has the most sun since its been put out so we'll see how things go. We have them mixed in with plenty of other vegetation and flowers so they're pretty well hidden and also partially shaded from the intense sunlight. Great response though, very informative. Thanks a lot! Do you by any chance know what kind of specific signs I should look for with the plants that might show the buds are degrading at all?


Well-Known Member
by degrading do you mean reverting back to veg? went thru it with some that I put out earlier this year, funky looking single blade leaves and the internodal (*Sp?) spacing increases. Outdoor flowering is triggered around June 20-22 and buds start showing now, the rub is that they will getting more hours of light then the 12/12 schedule they were on. they say 7-8 hours of sunlight is sufficient for flower production, I would place them in your garden with that in mind, like I said that far a long they should be ok. Are the buds bigger than cotton balls?