Important Harvest Question


Active Member
So My early girl is about 1 week from done I think. Only problem is the forecast calls for rain for the next 2 weeks!

What should I do? Clip her a bit early? Wait it out and hope for the best.

I had some budmold on her that needed trimming so i a little nervous about it being so wet.

Any help would be great


Well-Known Member
i know nothing from experiance or fact on this situation but if you trust your weather guy i'd cut early. It would only make sense that two weeks of rain when you've already had some bud rot.......i'd cut it.....


Active Member
i would wait
because im sure that it's not gonna rain all day for 2 weeks
you should get a break long enough for her to dry for harvesting
but what do ik
im still waiting on my first harvest:blsmoke: