Im Startn to get that itch


Active Member
I'm startn to get that itch every year around this time i start getting this i need for the coming season. This year tho i think i will not be doing any. Last year i made the mistake of trusting someone who i thought was a little brother to me. But those are the kind of things you learn from. No my spot has been compromised and i don't have anywhere else to set up. Indo is definatly out of the question. This post is more of a rant comment than anything else. I put it here cuz i do grow outside and i love what the sun and good care can do to plants. I'm gonna deal with my itch and try to figure out we i'm goin this season best of luck to everyone. Long live Item 9

South Texas

Well-Known Member
It's human nature to want to share personal excitement, like growing. Other than learning all kinds of neat shit, the other most important thing about this site is the ability to share your excitement without the threat. And,Yeah, it's an itch, turning into hives as time passes. Tell/show somebody your grow, you just put your life & liberty neatly in their hands.... for what purpose??


Well-Known Member
I'm teaching one of my good friends how to everything I know. We're growing outdoor and we pick spots and buy supplies together(no homo!) so I don't think he'll try to mess with it in a negative way. Chose your friends wisely!

South Texas

Well-Known Member
He has a vested interest, and until somebody else is involved, like Parenting babies/plants, they will never applicate the excitement. Like Human Babies, all they want is the milk, and will cry when they don't get it. 80% of all bust come from somebody talking. Rule, never deal with somebody that has less to lose than you do. Food for thought.


i trust 2 very close friends with my grow, but they also both grow its kind of a connected thing but i would never show a non grower besides my wife


Well-Known Member
I grow with my younger bro and a kid that I went to high school with who was four years younger than I. Both these kids look up to me as I do them; I don't know if I could go at it alone as I have always had these two brothers to grow with and enjoy sharing this passion with them. I can imagine that when this dude ripped you off you were bumed out about your plants, but I would be more upset in losing a friend that i shared my passion with... Couldn't imagine bro... Peace


Active Member
yeah that really was the most fucked up part cuz i help him wit his plants and we shared experiences and all that. At least i've already got another spot lined up now after some planning it will be more work cuz its not close to home anymore but things always work out in the end i guess


Well-Known Member
sorry to here about ur failed Bro-mance, i started my first grow a little while back and am now 5 weeks into flower and i made the mistake of telling the wrong person(very cool guy, but very excitable and talkative), now several of perople in my social circle keeps asking me about my "project"(how the fuck do they know!!!!). And althogh no one i deal with even associates with law enforcement, im now feeling noid and when this grow is done i will be moving spots, TELLING NO ONE, and pretending like i dont even smoke anymore, its just safer that way.