I'm sorry Great Britain.


Well-Known Member
Prime Minister Gordon Brown gave Mr Obama an ornamental pen holder made from the timbers of the Victorian anti-slave ship HMS Gannet.

Obama gives Gordon Brown 25 DVD's that wont play in Great Britain.


Now he gives the Queen an iPod...



Sorry that our president does not have a touch of class. It is disgusting to see our President giving you this thoughtless / worthless crap.

Please accept my apology.


Well-Known Member
When I heard about the 25 DVDs I was kinda shocked that someone who is supposed to represent america decided to put absolutely no thought into a gift.

Now they gave the queen of england an IPOD?
thats just ridiculous


stays relevant.
Who cares... They're all puppets, and so long as they are- small gifts like that don't matter, because they own a stake in your freedom.


Well-Known Member
Who cares... They're all puppets, and so long as they are- small gifts like that don't matter, because they own a stake in your freedom.
Its about showing respect. Not the implications of giving a shitty gift.

It just shows how little obama respects other people, and in my eyes that is just pathetic.


Well-Known Member
Ummm.... Am I the only one who could care less about this petty minutiae? I think it doesn't matter whatsoever. Possibly you're assigning way too much value on miniscule gifts.


New Member
How about when Gordo flies across, Obama announces he is too tired to meet with him? WTH?? Imagine if McCain had said that? Too tired? he was pres for about three weeks.... who does that? A clear slap in the face...

out. :blsmoke:


Global Moderator
Staff member
Obama we know your black, no need to act "hip" just to prove it....
And actually not all black either - more a "High Yella" as they say on the bayou's of southern Louisiana. Nothing bad to say here about any race - just the damn race card is thrown about constantly when it comes to this guy & no mention of him being somewhat of an F1 human.
What ever blows your dress up I guess.


Well-Known Member
And actually not all black either - more a "High Yella" as they say on the bayou's of southern Louisiana. Nothing bad to say here about any race - just the damn race card is thrown about constantly when it comes to this guy & no mention of him being somewhat of an F1 human.
What ever blows your dress up I guess.
Why his race has anything to do with ANYTHING always confuses me. The color of his skin isn't an issue, it's the content of his character.


Well-Known Member
yea well maybe obama thought the slave ship pen holder was offencive. i kno i would wtf would he want with a pen holder made out of the same shit that thousands upon thousands of slaves lost their lives? thats like giving someone of jewish decent a shower head from the gas chambers. thats fucked up man. the old bastard is lucky he got fuckin movies. if it was me i would of took the pen holder and hit him over the fuckin face with it. then i would of spat on the queen for letting him give that shit to me.