Im newbie have questions about flowering!


Does giving my babies more than 12 hours with the lights off enhance the buds even stronger? I heard that when the lights are off is when the hormone in the female plants is released to make it bud. I use 5 2700k bulbs so they are getting pretty good light.

Also, does put a small (9 inches in diameter) fan directly on the plants give it too much stress? I want to give it a good air circulation but worried about not letting them grow strong.


The one plant that got topped is growing buds already while the other just has pistols even though they are in the same bucket and get the same water/light cycle. Is one just a different strain so it blooms later? Or is it possible one plant's roots are more dominant?


Well-Known Member
Yes sharing a bucket will make one dominant over the other. And 12/12 is absolutly fine, some people like do do all kinds of crazy light cycles but 12/12 is really and truely the simplest. And to be honest brother your light system is very weak. I dont recommend flowering w/Cfls. A 250w hps is perfect for a couple plants and will give you a great yield compared to Cfls. Also a small fan blowing on it is good stress/ will make her stronger.


Well-Known Member
Shit bro I just noticed your plant pics, That fucker looks like a male to me. Its ether a male or shemale or the wierdest looking bud ive ever seen.


Well-Known Member
Flowering hormone level is built up in the night, that is correct. However, once you reach the level needed to trigger and stay in flowering (12 hrs dark) you could have a million times that and it still wouldnt flower any faster. Hormone triggers and keeps it flowering, but thats about it.


Well-Known Member
Dont ever put more than 1 plant in a pot, youve got a male there that you either have to try to seperate its roots from the others(good luck, i dont see it happening without massive damage occuring or cut the male and hope to the cannabis gods you dont get root rot from the males roots decay.


Well-Known Member
Dont try to pull her out, cut the male at the base and throw him in the compost or trash him.


Active Member
Keep the MALES, make another room for them and get the seeds! Or just move the FEMALES into there own room and finish out there process, possibly consider cloning them before flowering stage to keep her legacy moving forward... :leaf:

I would never just trash a plant MALE or FEMALE, its still Marijuana on way or another... MALES play there part and the FEMALES do there part even more so in our favor :)

Like I said mave a room for the MALES and a room for your FEMALES, even a separate area for CLONES :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Keep the MALES, make another room for them and get the seeds! Or just move the FEMALES into there own room and finish out there process, possibly consider cloning them before flowering stage to keep her legacy moving forward... :leaf:

I would never just trash a plant MALE or FEMALE, its still Marijuana on way or another... MALES play there part and the FEMALES do there part even more so in our favor :)

Like I said mave a room for the MALES and a room for your FEMALES, even a separate area for CLONES :leaf:
Are you aware that its females that make seeds? Males make pollen. Having male cannabis plants is a waste of time space and effort unless you are a serious breeder.


but what about the other plant? the balls are a signal for a male but the other plant doesn't have balls and has pistols