im new and need help on everythine involving indoor


Active Member
hey everyone

since everybody in the seems cool...i deeply need help
i tired of buying my bud.......and everyone who sells it live too far away

first im not to sure which type of seeds im going to buy?
i would like some haze
in new york they call it purple haze....not to sure if thats the real name
or anything else that would be great
thinking about 18-25 seeds
thinking about ordering from nirvana
anyone has suggestions on what seeds for this first time grower?

Also im planning of growing it my closet its 9 feet high ---8 feet wide---3 ft deep

Thinking about using a fish tank 30 gallon

I know i need light

which lights should i get?

wanted to grow in soil ( heard scot is the best )

I wanted to know
what other equipment should i get ? meter , books anything

i will start a journal when i get them



Active Member
See if one of your suppliers can get you some clones. Whats the fish tank for? Are you going to give your babies some pets to watch? While your waiting get some bleach and clean that closet and see if you can vent to the attic, get your room tight before you get any clones or seeds . Lighting can be expensive or cheap , a company called designers edge has a great compact flourecent for veg growth that is cheap to run and low heat , great for veg but will need to get a hps in a few weeks. Good luck