Im just a teenager growing pot.


Well-Known Member
You seem to be doing great! when i first grew my seedling was 2 weeks old and not even that close to the same size as you 5 day old.


Active Member
I came home to find my 6 day old mj plant had fell over. I will bring a seedling from outside and begin documenting on it instead.


Active Member
I will be keeping it in my closet running a 12/12 light and dark routine, putting it in window light when the sun is shining throught to help with the shock. I'm using mg soil that slow realeases nutes for six months. I wont be adding any nutes. I will keep a consistent day by day update. The plant's name is Marley Jane.


Active Member
Mj twenty days.
I have some drooping going on that I'm assuming is caused by the shock of the transplant. I just watered for the first time after transplanting. Which is about ten hours after.



Active Member
lookin good man, although MG is probably the shittiest poting mix, its what im using as well, but i had to add my own nutrients. this gave me a boner.


Active Member
shap3less:7322074 said:
looking good...i like the container you're growing in. you did punch some holes in the bottom, right?
Thanks. Only thing I could find big enough. Drunk chocolate milk all this morning. Yes I have three holes in the bottom.