I'm Growing Outdoors!


Active Member
Hey, guys, Tolerance here.

I've been watching this forum for quite some time now and have learned a bit of useful information about growing. However, I've only collected small facts and the such. This means that there is ALOT I don't know about.

By the way, I am really only concerned about the vegetative state, as the flowering stage is quite a few months away.

I am planning on using pots until they reach approximately one, to one and a half feet tall. At which point I would be planting them into the ground.

Currently I have:

15 Schwag/Mid's Seeds. :wall:
8 Red Plastic Cups.
4 Pots.
Spray Bottle.


This is what I need to know:

1.) Is this a good time to start? (California. During May)

2.) When germinating, is there a difference between the water+cup or water+towel method? Which do you prefer? Which is more succesful?

3.) Which potting soil would you prefer for better yield/quality and PH levels? (US brands?)

4.) Is it okay to water my plant with fresh drinking water? Is there a better way to water my plant with tap water without harming my babies?

5.) What should I use to defend my plant against bud-worms, spider-mites, and other pests/problems? (Specific brand names?)

6.) I'm guessing it would be a good idea to keep the PH level at about 6.6?

7.) How should I go about transferring my plant from the red cups, to the pots, to the ground safely?

Well, as far as I know, This is all I need to know. Once the days start getting a little shorter, (flowering) I will return with more questions!

Your help is much appreciated! I will be making a shopping/to do list as you guys fill me in!

Thanks!!! :weed:


Well-Known Member
Question 1 not sure of sorry matwe live in the uk question 2 i have alot more success gemanating the seeds in papper towl you don't have to watch the seeds has much if they are left just in water they can get rot easy.question 3 don't matter where you live in the world tomoto compost is always a good start for veg you don't have to feed for 1st 4 week contain enouth food for 4 week once the 4 week is up add blood bone and fish addthis at start of the flowering period you can add a little during veg has well also in last 3 week apple rind and charcoal question 4 use tap water but get some ph up and some down it's no expensive then if your water has a high ph you want it around 5.5ph just add a little you will need to know if you have hard or soft water.question 5 perhaps when you put your plants to flower you will find you have very little problems add all the nutrients and then set ph around 5.5/5.8 question 7 put your plants that you can grow a 1 ft plant in easy not to big big is easy noticed,go on reci's and find a couple or one plot if you are doing 10 plants do two with 5 in if your doing 5 make the numbers even grow 6 3 in each plot.go out find your plot depending on time if you have a few weeks to spare go out put 6/10 pot sized pieces of card over where your pots will go in a week everything under will be dead 2 weeks the better then go out dig one plot at a time then re cover .come back a few days later with your compost fill your hole in a day later do the same with the next ones plant behind stinging nettles but not blackberry bushes anything people eat stay clear of,then get some water in tubs that will fit in a rucksack do them one at a time or even better plant in walking distance of water take some lime with you not the plant the powder sprinkle some of this on and mix soak through with water get a test tube and get a little of the run of water wait for it to settle you want it around 5.5/58 so take your ph testing kit with you thats why i say plant near water it is your ph kit or loads of water if you are in the uk keep covered and bang your plants in by the begining of april or end of may you may have to add a little more of the two feeds i told you about earlyer good growing and send me a henry the eigth seei'm not exspensive.good luck bro.don't plant in the first place you find look for one you will realy have a chance with,if it looks has though someone has found your harvest leave it but cut down a little early lay brances across paths naturaly though so you can see if anyone else is comeing ang going get some cammo gear they could just save your neck i once had a crop found a one of the pigs pissed od my leg because i was wearing cammo gear at night buy the charcoal lined stuff furmle immageing cameras can't pick this up just lay still unless dogs are brought in then move away slowly take a nugget and wipe it all over leading from your crop to no where this drives the dog mad and the handler even madder there looking for weed theres weed there but it may only be a 8th.god luck don.