I'm gonna have to leave my girl!


Well-Known Member
Mary Jane's been so good to me, and lord knows I love her like we all do. But, I've gotta quit after the 2nd week in June. I've got 2 court dates in July. One here on the 3rd for pos. under a half oz. and paraphenalia, and then one 2 weeks later across the state for pos. under a half O, parephenalia, and pos. of alki.

I got in trouble here, then drove down to the NASCAR event at Charlotte and got in trouble the same day. Idk, I didn't do anything, lol.

So, I've gotta prepare for this long stint of not being able to smoke, because odds are I'm gonna be getting durg tested often. I'm sitting here with a fifth of Jim Beam, a bellyfull, pissed off.

I don't wanna leave my girl. She's been the best. Anyone feel my pain?


Well-Known Member
If they are testing randomly, you pretty much are screwed. If it's on the same day each month or week, you have options. Most conventional tests will only detect usage within 3 days for a light user. For heavy users, it's more like 7-10 days. Abstaining for a week or 10 days is a lot better than giving it up totally. If they use the hair method for testing, again, you are screwed - THC is detectable way past a month. If these are both 1st time offenses, and neither court knows about the other arrest, you may just get off with a fine and probation, without any testing. If these are repeat offenses, again, you are screwed.

Good luck.


New Member
Can't you just do your bird instead of probation?

I mean you'd probably do a couple of months in jail, whereas with probation they can have you for 2 years. Look at it like a short holiday courtesy of the US government.


Well-Known Member
Well probation is easy, you know when you got to go so just dont do it for 10 days prior and on the day you go dilute with 1 gallon of water+ 3 500mg vitamin Bs , dont bring anyone elses, they watch you go (been there done that), they can try to do it random by calling you in, so use caller ID and dont pick up the phone, this will give you enough time to get ready, even if its a day or two.Personally, I think you just gona have to pay a fine, maybe some community service . Let us know how it turns out.


New Member
Probation isn't easy, at least I don't think so. They ask too many questions and I have a lot to hide.

I'd rather do a six month sentence, out after 13 weeks with good behaviour. In my country you could be out after 6-7 wks with an electronic tag and a curfew, which lasts until the 13th week when it is removed. All over, no hassles.

Also, you're probably right, he'll only get a fine and community service (although I'd definitely rather do jail than work for free).

The moral of this story, for me at least, is always be prepared by not going prepared. Since I started growing in my own house I'm real para' about when I carry drugs on me. All it takes is for me to get caught smoking a 'j' and with my record I'd be arrested and have the risk of getting my place turned over. Then I'm looking at 3 years (because of my record).


Well-Known Member
I'm prepared to have to wind up doing over 100 hrs. of community service. Hopefully I'll only be on some light 6 mo. probation.
It sucks, lol. Such BS.


Well-Known Member
It takes like atleast 6 mo's for the charges to go thru your states database.
So I think the later court will not be aware.
I just had to pay a fine in 98' for paraphenalia.
Now simple is a diff story.
I suspect you get a fine and maybe community service.
I would not suspect any probation.