I'm going to love me some kitties


Anyone have any tips for keeping our 4 legged furry friends from turning our hydro projects into their own kitty buffet? They nibble on everything and are definitely testing my patience at this point. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated by my girlfriend, as they are her cats (in this moment they are, little fuckers).


Well-Known Member
Anyone have any tips for keeping our 4 legged furry friends from turning our hydro projects into their own kitty buffet? They nibble on everything and are definitely testing my patience at this point. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated by my girlfriend, as they are her cats (in this moment they are, little fuckers).
Keep the door shut? :mrgreen:


I have three cats. Once when i was transferring 20 clones, I set the tray on the floor behind me while I got things ready. When i turned around to get the clones a few minutes later there were only 18. My solution was to get a spray bottle with a vinegar solution in it. Any time the cats even got close to the plants they got a good squirt. I sprayed a little of the solution around my plants just as a reminder also. Now anytime I make a "psssst" sound they scatter like crackheads at dawn. Funny shit.


Well-Known Member
my kitties have all been "potty" trained. they don't bother my plants, at all. they enjoy playing in my garden in the summer. they chase each other thru it. none of them have ever eaten any though. and i have 4 cats. :)

are they "inside only cats"? maybe it's just fresh greens they seek. throw a pot of catnip in the grow room to share with them. :wink:


Well-Known Member
yea my cats are horrible around plants but they are strickly indoor cats, I left my room just to cross the hall and get water and litterally within the 25 secs I was gone one cat ripped one rooted clone right outta the soil and was already bolting out of the room.


Well-Known Member
I have the same issue. My cats love to eat the lower fan leaves...I allow it to happen tho, so I ain't complaining. Mainly because they provide hours of entertainment chasing each other around the plants, hiding behind them. Its really funny.

The problem with cats is that they are a pain to train. The previous post about the spray bottle is good advice, cats hate getting sprayed, freaks them right the fuck out. You could also try bitter apple, its a product available from pet stores and has an extremely bitter taste. I would think that spraying your plants foliage with this would be a good passive way to insure they leave the plants alone. The spray technique is awesome but you gotta be there to see it. The bitter apple is always on the leaves and I dont think you would have to apply it for very long.



After much deliberation, pepper sprays and lots of love and trust..... I decided to just use my computer cubbie in my desk as a temporary "grow room" (and I do use this term loosely)... until I can find/build something better.