Im finking my plant is males show within 5 days? how does male flowers look?


Well-Known Member
si its been in flowering for about 6 days..ive got a bunch of plants that havent shown any signs of flowers and one particular shown some sign 5 days after flowering.. seems to me like male. there has only one ball shown up and it seem to b like a green trichome shaped with a single ball on the end... could this be male?



Well-Known Member
Hmm i see but what i can see on the plant does not look like that, not really..
It like a little stem comin out a node with a ball on it.. looks like a large green trichome basically.
is that male? itst really bothering me so i pulled it off and gonna see if any more was jus on its own. And also how long can itt take coz i understand male flowers show sooner than female. this appeared upon 5 days, is that too soon?


Well-Known Member
Sounds male. How about posting a picture for us to see. That would help a great deal with us telling you what it is.


Well-Known Member
ok ill get one for u tommorow, as i sed tho i pulled the ball off so if naother comes out ill take a pik.


Well-Known Member
i had a teardrop looking thing coming out if my clone. Thought it was a male and panicked and pulled it off.

Then i realized.....its a clone....form a female.....and now its flowering :) haha

Just wait it out a bit


Well-Known Member
I cant get a picture that is in focus.. so i guess ill just wait and see if any more of the creepy things show up.. i knew for sure it wasnt a pistil.. wasnt quite sure if it was male.. nHopefully ill get lucky and it was just a random thing,.


Well-Known Member
ROFL Vapor =)) i actually just laughed out loud... =)) Pulled a "Male Bag" from a Cloned "Female Plant" =)) thats GREAT


Well-Known Member
Yes im sure it wasnt a new growing tip.. Its been a few days since i pulled it off and nothing similar seems to have shown up.. As far as i kno it still hasnt shown any pre flowers.
Its been in 12/12 for 12 days now and still nothing.. The longer it takes to show is the more possibilitys that they are females, Is this true?

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Yes im sure it wasnt a new growing tip.. Its been a few days since i pulled it off and nothing similar seems to have shown up.. As far as i kno it still hasnt shown any pre flowers.
Its been in 12/12 for 12 days now and still nothing.. The longer it takes to show is the more possibilitys that they are females, Is this true?
Never heard that. Mine are all fems and were flowering w/in 2 days.


Active Member
i've noticed that the males sex earlier than the females - and yes, the male will look like a trich (good comparison, btw) a small stub with a ball at the tip - once you've seen a male, u'll never be confused again - be careful to pull the male as soon as ur sure cause they (the pollen sacs) will explode and pollinate ur females b4 the girls are even girls!