I'm Baaaaaacccckkkkk !

Full Circle

Active Member
Just a note to say hello to anyone who may remember me from the last time I cam around full circle LOL. Going to test the waters once again, and see what kind of trails pop up ;-)
Sorry dude, I didn't notice you were absent. But as with trippy, welcome back, and try to stick around this time.
Yeah .... I don't know what exactly I was thinking. Posting a "do you remember me" thread on the Hallucinatory part of the RIU forum LOL. Everyone who knew me is probably either dead, in prison, or on the dark side of the moon somewhere talking to Elvis LOL.

I have been around a LOT of years .... and am always amazed just how well Lucy hides when you are looking for her ! Everyone else seems to always be around somewhere, but damn if Lucy doesn't hide awfully well .... Sure wish it was 1967 for a day !