I'm Baaaaaaaaaack!

Sweet Leaf

Active Member
Hi everyone! Long time no see... wow! Sure are a lot of new people here!

Sorry I haven't been around to welcome all the newbs... and now, not so new! I've had personal challenges and ended up moving. I had to dissassemble my grow room but manged to get one good crop out of it before I left. Now I'm trying to figure out how to grow again in this new place... speaking of which, does anybody have any tips for a place with no closets, no windows but two skylights (but only one faces south.) Do you think a plant would get enough light from the south skylight? Or will I need to construct something?


Well-Known Member
Need more light, fo shizzle m'nizzle and aint no mistake!

Im no expert, but my guess it you will get low yeilds if any without more light.


Well-Known Member
Grow Box, Grow Tent, im sure you will think of something. G'Luck and welcome back.


My Happy Place

Active Member
the way you describe it , it sounds like you live in a jail cell. lol I wouldn't grow. j/k I don't think it will get enought light from a south facing window