I'm a new grower who needs help with germinating, and all around growing.


I purchased a very small pc tower for stealth growing, which came set up with a small DWC. I'm confident that I set the system up correctly, but not sure If I started out germinating correctly. I filled the two three inch baskets 1/4 of the way with Hydroton red clay pellets, and put two organic seed starter plugs in and filled in the baskets surrounding the plugs with the clay pellets. I then dropped a seed in each of the plugs and put the baskets back on top, making sure the water was high enough in the resevoir to hit the starter plugs. Did I do this correctly? Also I have an indoor/outdoor thermometer set up, and my temp has been ranging from 70-75F Humidity 40-43 inside the grow box. Is this ok, or should I shut one of the fans to try and get it warmer?

Any help would be much appreciated


Well-Known Member
maybe i'm misunderstanding but ur trying a dwc in a pc tower uniy, ive seen loads of soil grows done like this but never a dwc , have u any pics? what are ur baskets sitting in , what about ur air pump??? it sounds like a fun idea but i'd love to see sum pics!! and shut a fan off coz ur humidity should be higher if poss at this stage.


Hi Dura, I'll try to get some pics up, but yes to my knowledge it is a DWC. i'm using an air stone, and the pump is mounted in the upper corner. The baskets are sitting in the lid on top of the resevoir,small, I think 16 quarts.


Well-Known Member
sounds like dwc to me, ive got one going myself but its a 15 litre bucket, my water level in the resevoir is around an inch below the net pot and the air stone sits directly under the pot so that little splashes/bubbles hit the pot bottom, the clay pellets then absorb a certain amount of moisture that feeds the roots( at least until they grow thru and into the resevoir.) where i differed from u is that my plant was already a full grown plant in soil that i had a really bad problem with and as a last resort/experiment i washed all the soil from the roots and put it into my dwc. to do this i had to cute the net pot all down one side and halfway along the bottom , cut and inch or so square outta the ass of the pot and sat the plant in, and then put my hydroton pebbles in. its survived for the last two weeks but doesnt really seem to be growing much although i put this down to my lack of knowledge concerning feedin in a dwc.( im normally an old school soil/organic grower)


Well-Known Member
wow a dwc in a pc..... thats a new one for me. specially if you are using a 16q reservoir. And as far as the germination goes, ive always germinated them in the paper towel method and then when they get a good size root i plant them in the rockwool, starter plugs, soil, etc etc etc. If yoou have a few pics it would help out a lot to see whats up. I dont think you should have any problems getting them to germinate but its much easier if you used the paper towel method, it usually cracks within 24hrs and by 48 hrs it should have a nice root forming......


Hey guys, I'm not sure how cool It is to post where i bought it from. If you want to PM me, I can give you the site, and you can take a look. I'd like to hear your opinions.


Active Member
----- My Method---- I put them into a paper towel, then I wrapped the towel in DARK colored washcloth that is soaked in HOT tap water, then I put them into a ziploc bag and breath out into the bag before closing...
Next, I put the ziplock bag into the hottest spot in my grow box(which is only 82.7) and let it chill... thats it...


Thanks Jesus of Cannabis. I'll do that. I feel ok growing in soil, just I've never done anything hydro. I guess other than perhaps germinating using another method, would the general consensus be that i started out ok?


Active Member
24 hours after i threw them in...
after they get that long(in previous post) .. i put the cloth in HOT tap water and then I put them back in the paper towel/washcloth in a zip lock and let it chill for another 2-4 hours,
then I put them into a germinating peat pellet that you can get from Lowes or H.D for about 4 bucks(I'll put a pic up of the Germ Kit..)....
then, only after 24 hours from start, they are sprouting to take in their first bit of light... Like a newborn taking its first breath of air... Its awesome!!!