Illadelph Coil Condensor Custom w/ perc

Mr. Organic

Active Member
Wasup everyone at RIU? I'm a real big pot snob and have a pretty big collection of designer glass. I just got my first Illadelph Coil Condesor and I haven't touched any of my zob's (w/ percs) since. This is the only way to smoke!

Well, to the point. Yesterday I was searching google for coils and I came across a thread in grasscity and found some pics of 'custom' illys I could only dream of. I found one that I fell in love with and wanted to know if anyone on the forum; either lives by the hollywood store or any other headshop that sells this same piece and check how much they are selling it for. It would give me an idea as to what amount I can negotiate with my local headshop.

I would really appreciate the favor. Check out this piece and tell me what you guys think. It has a beaker bottom w/ inline donut perc and a triple coil condesor!???!!




Well-Known Member
That is cool. Seems to me it's going to cost whatever it costs and it's sure to be expensive that's a lot of work there in that piece.

Mr. Organic

Active Member
That is cool. Seems to me it's going to cost whatever it costs and it's sure to be expensive that's a lot of work there in that piece.
im expecting 1000+ eazily. i just need an exact number so i can have an idea as to how low i can go with this guy. I buy from the owner of the shop, so i get real good deals. Plus I have already spent about $3,000 in glass.