If you have Aflac you are wasting your money.


New Member
Hey anyone out there carry Aflac insurance? You know the ones, they advertise that they'll pay you for lost work in the event of an accident.

Well they are about as fraudulant as it gets. We've payed for that insurance for 2 years now, to the tune of around $2000 per year. My husband recently was injured and now suddenly Aflac doesn't pay for lost wages, we don't have that particular ryder in our policy. The salesman even told them it would be good to have just in case of injury, to be sure they wouldn't have any loss of wages. Everyone in the whole company got it.

The Aflac salesman is going to be there today to try to re-up their policies for the new year. I'm going to be there to, only the salesman isn't aware of it yet. That salesman is about to have the worst day in their life. Even the owners of the company are pissed. They were told this would insure loss of wages, and now it isn't. Shit could get really ugly here. See ya'll on the news......


Well-Known Member
hey miss,

condolences on your husband's injury and the insurance situation. do your best to get the salesman on the news and avoid publicity yourself. i find poison or a bomb works better than a gun in these situations.


New Member
Not a gun, I don't own a gun, I'm just going to make the salesman shit their pants. I don't want them dead, I want them terrified.

A dead lying insurance salesman can't go tell their co-workers that they'd better stop screwing people over.

They really fucked theirselves. I called everyone I know that has Aflac last night and warned them, I bet their phones are busy today for sure.


Well-Known Member
Let him bury himself. Have someone ask...'do you cover lost wages?' and then flame him good. That really pisses me off. It is always the same same. The consumer knows the questions to ask and do their part and then when you need the benefit....never there to be found. These insurance companies need to be regulated. I have had my rounds with BC/BS, they almost destroyed me.
I hope it works out for you Miss.


Well-Known Member
Man, I hope you come back on here and tell us it went outrageous.
Those bastards will lie to sell a policy always thinking they will never see you again.
Go get em.


New Member
They've never even seen me, they pulled this one over on a bunch of construction men. They came in their shop with a lot of song and dance and dicked us all.

Somebody is going to find out today how hard it is to keep on dancing with both their legs shoved up their ass.

We are the ones who got screwed but now all the rest of the guys are saying "wait, WTF, huh?"

So are the people where my son works, and the people where my brother works.


New Member
They came to my husbands work and said "if you carry this insurance it will cover any loss of wages if you are injured"

Now there has been an injury and a loss of wages, but now that it's their turn to pay, that isn't in our policy.

The policy was purchased based on the claim that they pay for lost wages. Now they've changed their mind. I don't see how I'm misinterpreting anything.


New Member
OK first the lady said that "don't know anything about it, the salesman that sold the policy is no longer with us"

Then she said "we don't have anything that pays for lost wages"

Then I told her the person I talked to on the phone in the claims office just last night said that "we don't have that particular ryder on our policy"

Then the lady decided that they do pay lost wages but we don't have that policy.

I told her that our 100% reason for buying the policy in the first place was because the origional salesman said that they cover lost wages.

Then she said "um, er, oh, cough"

I then told her I need a grievance form to which she said she didn't have any with her, and I informed her she needed to find one and fast.

She is supposed to come up with one tomorrow.

To be continued.......