If you DON'T think CO2 concentrations excellerate growth, watch this.


Active Member
You mean accelerate

and it sounds like a global-warming is a hoax and a conspiracy site

and of course plants like CO2, where else do they get their carbon? H2O?
I saw that and went right to the store and got some yeast n sygar. Put it in a 5 gallon "office" cooler jug, popped a small hole with a hypo needle, put a balloon over the top and ran tubing from the hypo to a bubbler. About 1 bubble per second (unless I shake it then it goes crazy). If the ballooon is standing up I know I've got preasure. I think my girls are loving it. Check my multi test grow. I'm less than 2 weeks in so nothing earthshaking yet but looking promissing. I'll post an update soon and I think you'll like the results.