If we want a "Proxy War", this is the perfect place.


Well-Known Member
Since I went to Viet Nam in 1965, I've been student of American Wars. In my retirement years I have researched all our wars, insurection attempts and CIA fuckups.

In most of our wars we have had the handicap of faithless "allies". Consider the Corrupt South Vietnamise, the Afghans, the Anti-Suddam Iraquies as opposed to the Ukrainains. If we handle this right we can bring Russia into more reasonable member of the international community. The Ukraine will be a perfect partner to do this, it sucks in the "Patriots" of Freedom, THe bleeding heart Liberals and the Deep State. The Ukraine is not going to quit they just need the support to keep fightng. The Russians will get tired of refiling the body bags rel soon as the Ruble completly crumbles.

Or,the Russians could cut thier loss with one round. It's your choice Ivan.

Looks like a Win, Win, Win for the NATO forces.