for me, personally, when i cure my pot i get higher on it, its easier to smoke, tastes much better and is much smoother, smoking wet weed or just dried weed is a chore to me, i like my weed to have a 4 month cure, your weed tastes and smells bad because you have no cured, your basically smoking dieing chrolophyll, just becuase you chopped your plant down doesnt mean they died immediatley or something, think of it this way, when you take a clone your basically harvesting a plant, your cutting it and leaving it there without a root system, the only diff is you use lots of humidity to keep it upright and eventually try to root it, just because you chop your buds they dont realize they are done and its time, they are trying to survive, i dont know if they try to grow roots or anything like that but chrolophyll is very active in cut marijuana plants for up to a week, so do the math, you dry for a week, and smoke it, theres still some green pigment in there your smoking, mmmm yummy, stick it in a jar let all the plant functions do its thing and you will be very pleased, ive never had ANY buds that tasted bad after a cure, that is the reason you cure, to get amazing bud