If this was your grow... 600 or 1000 HPS


Well-Known Member
Ok I have a delema I have purchased a 600 and 1000 watt switchable digital set ups My question is which do i set in what place? 600 for new clone plants (doing a Al .B Fuct perpetual ) then finishing with the 1000 or vis versa? both are HPS lamps I know I know its a lot of light but i have them so i want to try it anyway.


Here is my room Here


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Well-Known Member
my opinon is that those are kinda hot for babbies. maybee cfl`s or flouros till they are stronger. but out of your choices i would go with 600 for the younger ones then to the 1000. but i realy think it`s going to be to much light for the little ones. ever thought of a light mover?


Well-Known Member
Your right i would not want to just throw the newbies into 600 watts of light really close but remember i will have another batch 2 weeks ahead of them so i wont be real close anyways. I would love to find a circular rotating one that would be sweet.


Well-Known Member
thought about doing the 1000 but changed my mind this is my first grow so i will just wait it out and see how it works. I had planned on using the 6 then the 1000 to finish so i was on the right track. Any other thoughts ANYONE??? Thanks BONZ



Well-Known Member
Digital ballasts run whatever type of bulb, i think they are inherently and automatically "switchable".

As far as your setup I would clone/veg under the 600watt MH and flower under the 1000watt hps.

Vegging plants and clones are smaller and take up less space

Flowering plants are bigger and the foliage demands more light intensity. Plus intensity = better buds.

You def want to produce under a 600 and bud under a 1000, no question, no ifs ands or buds.


Well-Known Member
Sorry AGAIN!! man i really did not explain this correctly or with enough information sorry:cry: Both lamps on the table at the same time. I am flowering straight from clones. Just wondered what people thought 600 or 1000 on the first set?


Well-Known Member
shit, give the rooted clobes 10 days under the 6 then goto 1000 after a couple weeks


Well-Known Member
Same advice goes, you want the younger flowering plants underneath the smaller HPS, you can fit more plants closer together in their first weeks of flowering, the 1000 will cover the more mature 4week+plants