If the crab shell powder contains sea salt, how should the salt be removed?

chitisan can be found in other areas check lobster even locasts insects

I scored bigtime locally at the oyster bar, even french resturants throw out snail shells

or better look into why you need it

good luck
A little sea salt shouldn’t hurt too much but if you are concerned why not just give it a rinse in a colander or strainer?
Salt is water soluble. Powdered shell is not. Put It in a bucket of water and give it a stir.
Either decant carefully, pour through a cheesecloth type material tight enough to catch the shell, or dip out water with a cup.
Probably have to do a few rinses with fresh water. When satisfied, pour into shallow, wide container and let water evaporate.
Place in the oven at 300 degrees for an hour and a half to use the essential oils of oysters as an air "freshener."