Identifying San Pedro cactus


My friend has this cactus and i want to know if its san pedro. Here are the pics. Let me know if you know what it is and if its san pedro. Thanks
Photo on 2010-06-14 at 14.56.jpgPhoto on 2010-06-14 at 14.55.jpgPhoto on 2010-06-14 at 14.56 #2.jpgPhoto on 2010-06-14 at 14.56 #3.jpg


Well-Known Member
You get peyote, and fartrehr down the process, mescaline from it. My friend just yesterday said he had 4 feet tall san pedro cactuses he was going to LET ME EXTRACT I CANT WAIT~!!!!
No that is not San Pedro, I'm 99% positive. I've enjoyed a visit with señor Pedro a few times. It's legal in the US, you should have no issue ordering some off the internet. Get it dried, its way more potent. You gotta be pretty strong too, there is no real way to know the potency. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
My friend says he has a cactus that lookd EXACTLY like the picture below. Does this confirm he has a peyote cactus??
