ideas needed please...


Active Member
i posted this in the wrong section so i am posting it in the right one now.

Before i start i would like to say "WOW" what a great site! Before i found you guys i knew absolute nothing (not that i do know much now)
Right so here is my little well could say"big problem"!! So i have just moved in with my lovely gf and wanna start growing for the first time,sick of getting ripped off for crap stuff ie lame deals bla bla making him fckin rich!!!! well not no more i hope !!!
My gf dont mind mean smoking but growing is a whole nother level,so she said no ........ so i was searching the net and found "stealth cabinets" i thought perfect !!!!then after reading about all the goodies it has you finally get to the price .........£1200 OMFG !!!!! WOW. #/.' i thought fuck that!!! so i started to buy some stuff i only want to grow say 3 plants n keep a mum n some clones, but basically here is what i have so far:

RVK 100A1 Fan + 100mm Phat Filter (175m3/hr) Standard Ducting

Starlite Digital Fluorescent 2 x 55w

1 Way Envirolite Inc 1 x 125w Blue Lamp

1 Way Envirolite Inc 1 x 125w Red Lamp

2 Way Envirolite Inc 1x 250w Red Lamp

Maxibright Compact 400w with
Diamond Reflector
6" Mini clip fans x2
right so basically i need to fit all that and maybe a few more bits you guys may suggest in to a cabinet of some sort
the measurements i need are 3x2x3 is that enough space do you think ? so what i am asking for is some sort of design as to how i should hook it all up?? i have no clue? how big do i cut the holes for the fan?? n carbon filter etc ?? this has to be very very stealthy so please any help is much needed, also with the equipment i mentioned i wanted the 2 125 w cfl on each side left and right the 400 w in the middle with both the 250 wat either side hanging down only for flowering. so please sorry for such a long post if you actually spend the time to lol.


Well-Known Member
ok just get need good bulb get a hps or mh 400 watt to 600 w your adding to many cfls it will eat too much space since your area is only 3 by 2 by 3 (amusing (h-w-l))
how many plants do you want to fit in there?
how stealthy do you want this?
is this 1 kilowatt of power your going to use going to get noticed
Also i recommended you read some books on growing weed first the cannabis grow bible is good



Well-Known Member
ur not gonna hide a grow-op from someone that you live with. plant a couple plants outside somwhere (not on your property).