Ideas for Light Positioning


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if there is a dedicated thread on this - if so, my bad...

Anyways, I'd like to hear peoples idea's for positioning lights around a plant. Obviously, in a perfect CFL world, the lights are positioned all around the plant in ridiculous manners to get the lights always closest to the leaves. How can we achieve this? Here are some of my ideas:

(Bear in mind, my ideas are concerning covering 1 single, yet large plant)

1. Lamps with the snake-cord stuff, that let you twist the light into a position where it stays. I'd sit the lamp on the ground (maybe with books or something stacked below for additional height), and point it at the side where I want it.

2. With a simple socket->AC plug wire, dangle lights from the top, using additional cord slack to move it up and down as the plant grows. Maybe dangle some around the sides too.
2.a) To get some horizontal movement control, maybe tie some string around the wire, and tie the other end to the side of your grow box (or some other stationary point), and tighten the string to pull the light in a horizontal manner.

3. ??? Honestly, lol, that's the best I can come up with. I guess you could build cool rigs with your handyman skills, but I'm not particularly good at building crazy stuff like that.

Any other ideas? I'm getting so much knowledge from these forums, and I hope soon I can repay my debt with a very complete and detailed grow journal...


Well-Known Member
it all really depends on how big of a space you plan to use but the rig up for my cfl's is in a 2.5x2.5x4 foot box...
I have an extension cord runing into the box which my power bar is then pugged into...
i have the powerbar strapped to a tin baking pan as a hood and cut out holes to access the outlets required...
I then plugged in two bulb outlet adapters (not sure on the name) and screwed a splitter into the which allowed me to connect two bulbs in a v shape to the single outlet...
i had two of those set-up for a combined 4 23w CFLs and it worked great for me...
I also set up the hood on a pully system so i could adjust the lights from the ground to roof of my grow box...


Well-Known Member
forget haphazardly adding bulbs to fit a growing plant. Figure out a good setup that will satisfy your space, then train your plants to grow their canopy in between, for maximum use of light