Ideas for controlling Bud worms (Moths)


Active Member
I am new to this forum, but in almost every section I see these post about dreaded bud worms.consecuently have read no solutions, so i have compiled these ideas for controlling them.

Budworms (to me) look mostly related to the Codling moth. Therefore most of my resarch is based on that idea in mind.Codling Moth

In the forums alot of you are using the Safer® Caterpillar Killer with B.t good idea:bigjoint: Additionaly people are having the question "what do i do when its time to harvest?" GOOD NEWS!!! If you didnt know there is a NEW! IMPROVED! Insect Killer called Concern® Multi-Purpose Insect Killer.
Multi-Purpose Insect Killer
Claimed to be able to use till harvest day.

That method is nice and easy but not organic:sad: Is there any help for the organic growning comunnity:???: YES THERE IS!!!!:shock: But there is a catch:sad: Its relatively spendy and not 100% guarantee the job will be done year round. The answer is Trichogramma brassicae or Egg Wasps.

Information form
T. minutum - for ornamentals, orchards and grapes east of the Rockies
T. platneri - for avocados, ornamentals, orchards and grapes west of the Rockies
T. pretiosum - for use on vegetable and field crops
Trichogrammatoidea bactrae - pink bollworm and other tiny eggs

Trichogramma wasps are tiny parasites that attack the eggs of over 200 species of moths and caterpillars. They are extremely small - 4 or 5 will fit on the head of a pin. Trichogramma lays its eggs inside the eggs of moths preventing the moth egg from hatching into a caterpillar. This prevents the damage caused by the feeding caterpillars, and also breaks the life cycle of the pest, effectively preventing the pest from reproducing. In some species of moth up to 5 parasite eggs may be laid in each moth egg. As the parasite develops within the egg, it turns black, and after about 10 days, an adult Trichogramma emerges. Adult Trichogramma can live up to 14 days after emergence.

The best deal I found(Quick google search) on these moths is 120K(of a single species) for 33.99 at

This is all my information I cited it pretty well, but anything I missed or forgot I take constructive criticism:eyesmoke: (Have not personally tested any of these methods:sad:)
I am new to this forum, but in almost every section I see these post about dreaded bud worms.consecuently have read no solutions, so i have compiled these ideas for controlling them.

Budworms (to me) look mostly related to the Codling moth. Therefore most of my resarch is based on that idea in mind.Codling Moth

In the forums alot of you are using the Safer® Caterpillar Killer with B.t good idea:bigjoint: Additionaly people are having the question "what do i do when its time to harvest?" GOOD NEWS!!! If you didnt know there is a NEW! IMPROVED! Insect Killer called Concern® Multi-Purpose Insect Killer.
Multi-Purpose Insect Killer
Claimed to be able to use till harvest day.

That method is nice and easy but not organic:sad: Is there any help for the organic growning comunnity:???: YES THERE IS!!!!:shock: But there is a catch:sad: Its relatively spendy and not 100% guarantee the job will be done year round. The answer is Trichogramma brassicae or Egg Wasps.

Information form
T. minutum - for ornamentals, orchards and grapes east of the Rockies
T. platneri - for avocados, ornamentals, orchards and grapes west of the Rockies
T. pretiosum - for use on vegetable and field crops
Trichogrammatoidea bactrae - pink bollworm and other tiny eggs

Trichogramma wasps are tiny parasites that attack the eggs of over 200 species of moths and caterpillars. They are extremely small - 4 or 5 will fit on the head of a pin. Trichogramma lays its eggs inside the eggs of moths preventing the moth egg from hatching into a caterpillar. This prevents the damage caused by the feeding caterpillars, and also breaks the life cycle of the pest, effectively preventing the pest from reproducing. In some species of moth up to 5 parasite eggs may be laid in each moth egg. As the parasite develops within the egg, it turns black, and after about 10 days, an adult Trichogramma emerges. Adult Trichogramma can live up to 14 days after emergence.

The best deal I found(Quick google search) on these moths is 120K(of a single species) for 33.99 at

This is all my information I cited it pretty well, but anything I missed or forgot I take constructive criticism:eyesmoke: (Have not personally tested any of these methods:sad:)
This is the way I'll use to deal with those little mother-fookers...ORGANIC..:weed:
use mosquito dunks
$16 home depot
dissolve em in water
then spray your plant down with the solution.
works perfect and killls other larvae too.