Icehouse = terrible beer


New Member
Whats up with Icehouse? I mean, I like the fact that a 40 cost $1.50, but do those guys even try to make decent brew??

No more Icehouse in this house!


New Member
That is good too... We should have a beer review thread. For everyone that has access to local micros and stuff... I like Shock Top and Sierra Nevada Kellerweis alot...I like a LOT of different beers... american machine beers are just ok at best though... There is no difference between the big 3, and ppl STILL think there is...


Well-Known Member
There is no difference between the big 3, and ppl STILL think there is...
I couldn't agree with you more, lol.

Micro brewerys are where it's at now-a-days.
I like the fact that they offer so many choices, because I'm pretty picky about what I drink. I just don't enjoy the taste of cheap watery beers. (but I also don't like the heavy beers like Guiness).
I tried a wheat beer a couple weeks ago that was pretty good.

You ever try a wheat beer?


New Member
Yea... just a couple days ago... it was a weird name... lietzburg?? i could look it up... but I like the crisp pineyness of it :) I DO like dark heavy beers too, maybe more than ales... IPA from dogfish head are good... man I love beer!! SCREW this ghetto blaster 40... I need to go to the store!

edit: it was Leinenkugel


Well-Known Member
hey smokinheavy me and my wife went to this brewery around here for some food and beer and got this kind of beer called Scotch Ale

it's 8% booze and is really dark and tasty


Well-Known Member
o god ,Icehouse is not good but ok until you get to the end of the beer then it turns into bitter shit guhhhh,its like the scratching of a chalkboard put into taste form.Especially when it comes to drinking the can,look out.


New Member
o god ,Icehouse is not good but ok until you get to the end of the beer then it turns into bitter shit guhhhh,its like the scratching of a chalkboard put into taste form.Especially when it comes to drinking the can,look out.
I won't be drinking more, but I DEFINITELY wouldn't drink this out of a can!


Well-Known Member
my favorite is called Aventinus. sweet, bitter and very aromatic. good for a cold day (like today) with an Alcohol % of 9-14%. But you would never know it by how smooth it really is!
[EDIT] Again, i copied without knowing the sheer size of the pic. my bad! lol



Well-Known Member
anything that comes in a 40 is usually crap beer- if im going 40 malt is the only way to go, OE, stIdes, Steel reserve-thats if im feelin ghetto and cheap. For real beers i like most of Brooklyn brews beers, Guinness, sierra nevada, sam addams make some nice ones, bluepoint lineup, new castle


Well-Known Member
i respected you till i read steel reserve. LOL. :lol:
thats complete crap beer. worse than the OPs ice house. its so bad, its not even ghetto. haha


New Member
Yea steel reserve... Why is crap booze legal? ?I mean the toxins in them are where all the bad feelings come from...why not make brewers make good beer? I promise if tainted meat was giving you a headache, there would be some law suits! :)